JDRF’s New Resource for Newly Diagnosed Adults with Type 1 Diabetes – The Adult Type 1 Pak

Are you an adult newly diagnosed with type 1 diabetes?

If you are then you should take a look at JDRF’s new resource for adults newly diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, the Adult Type 1 Pak.

Adult Type 1 Pak - JDRF

The Adult Type 1 Pak is a sling-style bag that will include important resources and information to educate, support, and inspire adults newly diagnosed with T1D, age 16 and above. In collaboration with JDRF’s generous sponsors—Bayer Healthcare, Medtronic, and Novo Nordisk—the kit is now available through local JDRF chapters, and is free of charge.

The Adult Type 1 Pak was created as a part of an effort to ensure that all individuals newly diagnosed with T1D receive the information and support necessary to adjust to life with the disease. JDRF has found the Bag of Hope to be extremely beneficial to families of newly-diagnosed children with T1D, and is hopeful that the Adult Type 1 Pak will be just as valuable to newly-diagnosed adults. Each year in the United States alone, more than 15,000 children and 15,000 adults are diagnosed with T1D, and JDRF continues to work to expand its efforts to better support people of all ages, and at all stages of life with the disease.

Newly-diagnosed adults with T1D can contact their local JDRF chapters for the Adult Type 1 Pak, and for more information on ways to get involved with JDRF and the T1D community.

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