Diabetes Blog Week Starts Tomorrow: Sign Up Now!

During Diabetes Blog Week, a week-long event organized by Karen Graffeo of BittersweetDiabetes.com, bloggers sign up to write about a set topic each day for a week.  This way, readers can jump around the Diabetes Blog Community and get read different perspectives on a single topic.

When is Diabetes Blog Week?  The fourth annual Diabetes Blog Week  will take place from May 13th through May 19th.

Where can I find the Diabetes Blog Week topics?  You can find the topics on the Topics and Posts page.  Use these topics as a starting point for your post each day and see where they take you.  Write as much or as little as you like.  There are no right or wrong answers – just read over the topic and start blogging!  Karen has included two wild card topics to choose from.  If one day’s topic doesn’t inspire you, feel free to post about one of the wild card topics instead.

Diabetes Blog Week 2013Who can participate in Diabetes Blog Week?  DBlog Week is open to anyone who blogs about diabetes – be it Type 1, Type 2, LADA, or gestational, and it’s also for parents, spouses and caregivers.  If you blog about diabetes in any capacity, please join us!  If you don’t have a blog but have thought about starting one, now is the perfect time.  There are free blogging sites you can use (such as Blogger or WordPress) and members of sites such as TuDiabetes or Diabetes Daily have a blog built right into their profile.

Can blogs done by groups, organizations and companies join?  Group blogs and professional blogs are welcome to join.  However, the posts should be written by a blogger with a diabetes connection and product plugs / advertising will not be allowed.

What if I can’t write posts for all seven days?  Of course, the idea for Diabetes Blog Week is that everyone who signs up to participate will post on all seven days.  Although that is the goal,  if you end up falling short of seven posts that’s okay.  Diabetes can be stressful enough, so let’s keep DBlog Week fun and stress free.

How do I sign up? Karen has created a form to submit your information.  Fill it out and you will be signed up and added to the Participant’s List within 24 hours.  There is a space on the form for you to let Karen know if you have any questions, and you can also email her at DBlogWeek@bittersweetdiabetes.com.  

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