My Exceptional Diabetes Accomplishment

Like long distance running, diabetes is a lonely journey. There are others out there on the course and others cheering you on, but you are alone.

It is important to have caring and supportive people around you to help you cope with all of the difficulties of life with diabetes, but at the end of the day, we are alone with our diabetes. And those around us, as supportive and caring as they may be, don’t understand what life with diabetes is really like (this is why the DOC is so important).

Don’t misunderstand me. I am grateful for the support I receive from others and know that without it life would be much harder. I also know how difficult life with a diabetic can be – mood swings brought on by highs and lows, sudden changes in plans – “I feel terrible I have to lie down”, the annoying food obsessions and dietary requirements – “sorry I don’t eat pizza anymore”. And of course, there’s the worrying that goes with caring and loving a person with diabetes.

But, no matter how good your loving family and friends are, the physical and mental toll of diabetes is very hard to explain.

I’ve done many things that could be considered diabetes accomplishments. I’ve completed a bunch of marathons and half marathons and I co-founded ASweetLife.  The real exceptional achievement, though, is not some grand event.  It’s getting through a day, an hour, and a minute of life with diabetes.  It’s doing it over and over again, with a good attitude, and the determination to live a long and healthy life.     

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11 years ago

This is a very sad post that made me sob! As a mom of a newly diagnosed 10yo daughter, i search the Internet tirelessly for any help, support, hope! I want to know i am doing ALL I can to help my daughter, but as i cry in bed at the end of another day of finger pokes and needles, i realize I can only be just at the edge of what my daughter is going through. This post i stumbled upon just affirmed that more. I don’t ever want her to be alone, especially in this! Thankfully, we both… Read more »

11 years ago

So very true.  I am sure many D friends can relate to this.  

11 years ago

This is a beautiful post – so well written and true. Thank you for sharing. 

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