First Diabetes Calculator for Kids

Nationwide Children’s Hospital recently developed an online resource to help parents manage their child’s diabetes more effectively and better care for their health at home. The “Diabetes Calculator for Kids,” a first of its kind electronic tool geared toward the pediatric patient, allows parents, caregivers and adolescents patient themselves to create an individualized chart which calculates the correct insulin dosage that should be given prior to eating.

The Diabetes Calculator for Kids, available for any patient who uses insulin, creates an individualized chart for rapid-acting insulin bolus dosage in five easy steps. After the parent or patient completes those steps online, a customized chart is produced that can be emailed or printed. It provides the parent, caregiver or patient an easy way to look up the correct insulin dosage based on current blood glucose, without having to do the math each time. Nationwide Children’s always recommends that parents consult with their child’s physician first with any questions related to their child’s individual diabetes management plan.

The Diabetes Calculator for Kids, developed in partnership between Duet Health (a company that builds health care applications, and is based in Columbus, Ohio) and Nationwide Children’s, is free and available to the public by visiting,

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