A Delay in Pumping (Going on a Disney Vacation)

A few weeks ago, I shared my excitement over starting the process to go on an insulin pump regimen. At my endocrinologist’s office, there are many steps to take before you can actually start using the pump. I crossed off the first two: an initial conversation with my endocrinologist and a consultation with my diabetes educator. The next step was to sit down with my nutritionist, which I did this past Wednesday. The appointment went well, but at its conclusion I realized that the pump will not be happening for me until December.

It was a disappointing discovery, but it makes the most sense for me at this time. I’m leaving for a much-anticipated Disney vacation in a few short days. Say I received the pump in the mail this week: what am I supposed to do, get it started a day or two before I’m set to board the plane and deal with potential major stress on my trip? No, thank you! And when I get home from Disney, I have two weeks to get ready for going back to school. It’s the same sort of deal where I would be concerned about problems arising and not being able to visit my endocrinologist in a timely manner to resolve them. So after conferring with my parents, endocrinologist, diabetes educator, and nutritionist, we agreed that I can start the pump in December. That’s when I graduate college and move back home, so my endocrinologist will be much more accessible. So for now, I’ll take a hiatus on pump talk and focus on what’s happening now: packing for Disney!

 Packing for my Disney vacation

As anyone with diabetes knows, packing for a trip is STRESSFUL. I keep thinking about how last time I went to Disney, it was for a conference for people with diabetes. That really changed the game for me because I felt more secure. This time around, I’m going with my boyfriend and his family. I’m really excited to share this experience with them, but I’m also nervous about how my diabetes might affect things.

So I’m taking as many preventive measures as possible. This means I started packing about a week ago. I handwrote a list of everything I’ll need so I can check it off as I pack it. I plan on taking double of everything to err on the side of caution. I’ll throw everything pertaining to my diabetes in a large plastic bag to show security when I go through it to make the process go smoothly. I also bought a Frio cooling wallet for my Humalog and Lantus. This neat little invention keeps insulin at safe temperatures for up to 45 hours. After that point, it needs to be topped off in cold water for 10-12 minutes to ensure it’s in working order. I thought that this purchase was wise considering how humid Florida tends to get in the summer months.

I also bought a large bottle of glucose tablets. I know I’ll be getting plenty of exercise by walking all over the theme parks, so I’ll feel better knowing I have an excess of what I need to fix any lows that might happen.

I’m going to be bringing both my Verio IQ charger and my CGM charger. I know my CGM will definitely need to be charged more than once, but my Verio typically lasts a couple weeks before it needs another recharge. However, I’d rather have it and not need it than leave it at home and need it. But here’s what I’d like to know, do other people with diabetes ever bring a spare meter with them? I’m debating whether or not this is necessary and I’d like to hear feedback.

Despite being well-prepared, I know I’ll probably have a few moments of panic where I rummage through my bags to look for something insignificant like an alcohol swab. But I also know that I’m doing all the right things to avoid diabetes problems, so I’m looking forward to making the most out of my trip.


Molly Johannes
Molly Johannes

Molly Johannes was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes in 1997 at the age of four. She controls her diabetes with an OmniPod insulin pump, Dexcom continuous glucose monitor, and daily exercise. Molly graduated cum laude from the University of Massachusetts Amherst in December 2014 with a degree in English. Currently, she works fulltime as an associate editor for a financial company. In her spare time, Molly enjoys spending time with her loved ones, reading books, watching movies, and playing games. She’s an avid fan of Disney, dark chocolate, wine, Harry Potter, and fun times. While Molly does not know a life without diabetes, she is determined to defy the daily obstacles the disease presents.

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Bonnie Kaufman
Bonnie Kaufman
9 years ago

Hi. just stumbled on your blog.. hope you had fun in Disney.. my 10yr old is newly diagnosed and we went to Disney in April… just walking from the entrance to the castle dropped her 100 pts… you were good to anticipate that.. the walking  and maybe the heat too really drops her… got to the point that she was constantly eating and getting sick of it.. how did it go for you

9 years ago

I always have a spare, especially if flying. Keep backup of all supplies (including a second meter) in a separate luggage bag. I figure 2-3x what what I would typically need. Yes, you can pickup a cheapie meter from any pharmacy or walmart if needed, but why waste your vacation with that hassle?

I also just find it so much more convenient to have multiple meters in places instead shuffling one meter around. Keep one by the night stand in your hotel, another in your bag when you’re out and about.

9 years ago

I always travel with a back up meter. I have never needed it but the first time I don’t take it, well, you know…………

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