7 Tips to Prevent Diabetes From Interfering at the Workplace

Diabetes at Work

Over the years I’ve experienced a lot of different work environments, and having a good work ethic is something that I’ve always found important. (I don’t let diabetes stop me from being the best that I can in any aspect of life.)  I’m not a health care professional giving you advice, just a twenty-something person with Type 1 diabetes and all that extra life experience you get when growing up with a chronic disease.  The following are some tips that I’ve found that help prevent diabetes from interfering with my work.

1. Telling your coworkers you have diabetes doesn’t have to be weird or awkward


I currently work in advocacy and lobbying. In the past I’ve been an assistant tennis pro, a waitress, and even a bank teller. So, there have been a lot of times I’ve had to “reveal.” I’ve always gone by the “when the time is right” idea when it comes to telling people about my diabetes. No, it doesn’t have to be the first thing you tell your coworkers, but you should get it out there as soon as possible so they will know how to help you in case of an emergency situation. I remember in my internship on Capitol Hill, I just pulled out my insulin pen and gave myself a shot. A coworker asked me about it and I casually explained that I have Type 1 diabetes and that I’m great at handling it. No one is likely to make a big deal out of it, so tell them when you’re comfortable. But do tell them.

2. High/low blood sugar shouldn’t be an excuse to miss work


Let’s be real here, people: unless it is an emergency situation, you don’t want to waste your sick days on diabetes related things. I’ve woken up both very high and very low and been able to treat myself and get to work on time (or just a few minutes late). The only good thing about highs and lows is that they tend to have a quick recovery time. Yes, it will be harder to get out of bed and motivate yourself to get ready when your blood sugar isn’t perfect, but do it, and save those sick days for when you’re actually sick and contagious. I’ve had a few mornings on the Metro when I felt like death, only to get to work and be fine. I’m always glad I dragged myself out.

3. Pay extra attention to your diabetes care on important work days


I admit that I am not necessarily on my A game when my blood sugars are in a funk. I know in times of stress that diabetes can take the backseat, but your work will be better when your blood sugars are in range. Also, you won’t feel tired or crappy. Checking blood sugar a few extra times during important days, and making sure you go to bed in a good range the day before a big meeting can make a huge difference. I treat big work days like a big match day from my competitive tennis years. Extra thought, extra checks, and planning meals that I know how I react to (most of the time!) is my big work day game plan, too.

4. Try to not let the food comments people make bother you

Like in the real world, at some point people in your work world are probably going to make uneducated comments to you about diabetes. Since you’re going to be around these people for 40+ hours per week, use this as an opportunity to educate them, in a nice way of course. You’ll make friends at work and they’ll be curious to know more about you and your diabetes, too. Once you explain that you know how to manage what you choose to eat and your diabetes, they are never going to question you (or anyone else with diabetes) about food again.

5. Be Prepared: Keep Extra Insulin/Supplies at work

I’m the first person to admit that before my morning cup of coffee, I can be quite forgetful. There have been a few times I’ve forgotten to take my long acting insulin to work or forgotten to bring my rapid acting insulin with me. Since the last thing you want to have to do on a work day is dash home because of supply needs, I decided to keep an extra of each pen in the refrigerator at work. That way, when I do forget, it’s not a bad situation. I also keep an extra meter and other supplies in my desk. With the amount of time you are going to spend in your work place, it only makes sense to backups there. When I am pumping, I store extra pump supplies at work as well, but still keep an extra pen there in case of issues with the pump. You want to be able to correct quickly if a site goes bad. The continuous glucose monitor (CGM) is one thing I don’t keep back up supplies for at work. That, I can hold off on until home without it being a big deal.

6. Plan endo appointments in advance

It can be really annoying to have to use vacation time for endo appointments. But if you plan ahead, you can often work with your office or boss to use as little time as possible for this. For instance, I know the day before Thanksgiving is a slow work day, so I grabbed a time slot with my endo way ahead of time to avoid missing a crucial work day. You can plan up to a year ahead and by doing so, you might be able to still hold onto some of those vacation beach days.

7. Use what you know to your advantage


People with diabetes have to be incredibly organized, determined, motivated and smart. Think about the skills you use in diabetes and apply them to your career. No matter what you do, the skills you’ve developed managing diabetes will make you a great employee just about anywhere. Remember that, and embrace it.

Lauren Stanford
Lauren Stanford

Lauren Stanford was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes in 1997 at the age of six. She became an advocate for diabetes research and awareness as a young child, testifying before Congress twice, serving as ChairKid of JDRF’s Children’s Congress and speaking as part of the 2008 Democratic National Convention.

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9 years ago

Dear Lauren, you mean well, and I’m so glad that you have not encountered the prejudice and fear that is still so rampant. You obviously have not run into some of the barriers against insulin-dependent people that have the backing of unfair and outdated statutes! Based on my experience of living with insulin-dependent diabetes for 50 YEARS, the safest strategy for the insulin-dependent person and the least intrusive int the workplace environment is to wear an insulin pump and use a CGM. I was actually fired by a public school district-and the ADA did NOT protect me–because my use of… Read more »

9 years ago

Since insulin can be good for some time after removing from fridge (often 4 weeks), I never put an opened bottle back in the fridge amyway. So I can easily keep a partial bottle in my desk from the last time I ran it down low. If I don’t need it after a couple weeks, I can use it up and replace with a new partial (nearly empty) bottle. Also, I don’t go from 300 to 100 in an hour even with insulin. I take Apidra and still it takes 2-3 hours at least (often I need a 2nd correction… Read more »

T1D 30 Years
T1D 30 Years
9 years ago

Yes, but 29 years and one failed transplant later, it’s not so easy. When I was only 23 like the author? Absolutely, it never stopped me. Now I’m exhausted and do not bounce back easily. My last A1C was 6.5 and I haven’t had any typical complications, so it’s not a lack of care. Regardless, I’m now on disability since my body is no longer able to withstand a normal work day, as it’s simply impossible to sustain the stamina.

JT Titus
JT Titus
9 years ago

The problem I have most is co-workers telling me I should be taking my insulin in the bathroom instead of the break room! I use a pen which should not be as much as a problem as if I used a syringe and vial! I told one co-worker that if they didn’t like it, don’t look!

Lauren Stanford
Lauren Stanford
9 years ago

I’m so happy to hear that these tips were helpful! And @Khurt, I’ve also never had an issue with keeping insulin in any of my fridges at work and I’ve worked in government offices before. Maybe just speak to your boss and see if it can be worked out? 

Dee Dee Diabetic
9 years ago

Great diabetes tips :) I like the one about backup supplies at work. Planning ahead for endo appt is a tip I will use. Thanks for sharing :) 

Janice Bohn
Janice Bohn
9 years ago

These are great tips.  In reference to the comment about insulin and the refrigerator at work.  I have never worked where there is a refrigerator where I can keep extra insulin….so I bring it in my lunch cooler everyday, and take it home in the evening.  It just eases my mind to have my backups ready and available.  In 20 years of T1D I have never missed a day of work because of diabetes.

Karen McChesney
Karen McChesney
9 years ago

these are great tips!  agreed, the only good thing about highs and lows is that often within an hour you’re back to feeling like yourself again :)   thanks Lauren for your valuable advice! 

Khürt Williams
9 years ago

These are all great tips, some of which I’ve implemented myself.  The one unresolved challenge is on the following tips. #5 I’ve worked mostly in LARGE corporate environments and government.  The government locations are likely to not have a refrigerator (or coffee maker).  The large enterprise will most likely have policies regarding having medication stored in the refrigerator.  They don’t want the liability. So my experience has been that I keep “dry” supplies in my backpack and in my car.  Never in my desk.  If I need more insulin I suck it up and go home.  Keeping an extra pen… Read more »

Dee Dee Diabetic
9 years ago

Great diabetes tips :) I like the one about backup supplies at work. Planning ahead for endo appt is a tip I will use. Thanks for sharing :) 

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