First Person with Type 1 Diabetes Receives Experimental Encapsulated Cell Therapy

ViaCyte-logoJDRF announced that JDRF-funded partner, ViaCyte, Inc. has for the first time ever implanted a person with type 1 diabetes with an experimental encapsulated cell therapy product candidate, called VC-01, which is being developed for the treatment of  type 1 diabetes. This individual, and others to follow, is participating in a trial to evaluate the safety and efficacy of the VC-01 product candidate, a potential replacement source of insulin-producing cells.

ViaCyte’s VC-01 therapy is the combination of:

  • PEC-01 cells: A proprietary pancreatic endoderm cell product derived through directed differentiation of an inexhaustible human embryonic stem cell line, and
  • Encaptra drug delivery system: A proprietary immune-protecting and retrievable encapsulation medical device.

The study of ViaCyte’s experimental therapy, VC-01, is initially being conducted at the University of California at San Diego (UCSD). The experimental product encapsulates immature human islets derived from a stem cell source in an immune-protective device called the Encaptra drug delivery system. At first, a small group of people in the study will be followed for several months to ensure the safety of the therapy. After the initial evaluation of this first group of participants at the UCSD site, it is expected that additional sites will be activated to enroll more people in early 2015.

Viacyte - VC-01-cross-section

The primary goal of this first study is to evaluate the safety of the VC-01 product candidate in people who have had T1D for at least 3 years; not to make them insulin independent. However, the study is also designed to evaluate the effectiveness of the VC-01 product candidate in replacing the lost insulin-production function that is central to T1D, by measuring C-peptide levels as a marker of insulin production. This study will provide researchers with critical information about the functioning of the encapsulation device at the implantation site and about the maturation and survival of the implanted cells.

Dr. Paul Laikind, President and CEO of ViaCyte, said, “Treating the first patient with our stem cell-derived islet replacement product candidate is an exciting next step in our quest to transform the way patients with type 1 diabetes are impacted by the disease.  Moving from a promising idea to a new medicine is a long and challenging journey and we are grateful to JDRF, and all its supporters, for the tremendous and continued support they have provided. At ViaCyte we have been working over a decade to reach this milestone, and JDRF has been there every step of the way, providing critical funding, excellent advice, and advocating on our behalf.”

People in the study will go about their daily lives with the implanted product for up to two years. They will be closely monitored by clinicians during this time. The encapsulated cell therapy here involves putting cells with the potential to mature and produce insulin in a protective barrier and implanting them in the body using a minimally invasive procedure. Once matured these encapsulated immature human islets might sense a person’s glucose levels and produce insulin while the barrier shields them from the body’s T1D autoimmune attack as well as foreign graft rejection. If they perform as they have in animal studies, the cells will continuously assess the amount of glucose in the blood and release the appropriate amount of insulin. Importantly, encapsulated cell replacement therapies have the potential to overcome the major obstacles that have limited the use of human islet transplantation in people with T1D: limited donated islets and the need for lifelong administration of immunosuppressive drugs to prevent destruction of the newly introduced islets. Stem cell-derived islet sources may represent an unlimited supply of replacement insulin-producing cells and the protective devices eliminate the need for immunosuppressive drugs.

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