How I Started a Successful Low Carb Diet

How I Started a Successful Low Carb Diet

Many people with diabetes cringe when they hear the words low carb diet.  But I speak to you now from personal experience, it’s not such a difficult diet.  It may not be as easy as a pure chocolate diet, but once you get going it gets easier each day.

How I started a low carb diet

I’m not a medical professional or nutrition expert of any sort, and the advice I’m sharing is based on my own experience (and success).  I started following a low carb diet because through trial and error I saw how much easier it was to manage my blood glucose when I didn’t eat carbs.  And, when I thought about what it really means to have diabetes, the low carb diet made perfect sense.  If my body can’t process carbohydrates, I shouldn’t be filling it with them. I worried, though. What would life be like without carbs? My diet consisted mostly of carbs.  I couldn’t really imagine not eating them.

I knew if were to wake up one morning and stop eating everything I loved, I’d be hungry and cranky.  So, I came up with a plan to give up carbs gradually and turned into a low carber with ease.  Below are the steps that helped me.  If you are considering a low carb diet, I hope they’ll help you, too.  And remember, if you make changes to your diet, you will need to adjust your diabetes medication.  Consult your doctor or medical professional before starting this or any other diet.

1. I eliminated sugar.  White.  Brown.  High Fructose Corn Syrup.

If I could do this, I could do anything.

This step taught me to read labels carefully, ask about what’s in the food I was being served, and made me aware of how much ‘hidden’ sugar is out there.  I took my time doing this, and didn’t push myself to move forward with the rest of my diet until I was mentally ready.

The first step alone – cutting out sugar – led to weight loss and better blood sugar levels, and still allowed me to eat carbs whenever I wanted, just not sweet carbs.  I tried not to swap sugar for other sweeteners. The idea was to get my body used to eating food that wasn’t sweet. When I had cravings for sweets, I tried to satisfy them with fruit. I swapped my morning bowl of cereal for plain yogurt with nuts and berries. I started eating eggs for breakfast.

2. I ate at home.

I tried to eat at home as often as possible, and avoid temptation. The first few weeks without sugar were hard, so I didn’t buy my coffee in bakeries. I didn’t walk down the cookie aisle in the supermarket.

This step required a certain amount of anti-social behavoir. It meant saying “no” when my friends invited me over.  As my body adjusted, however, temptation wasn’t a big issue.  I went back to my normal routine, and stopped stressing about what I could or couldn’t eat.

3. I cut out white flour.

This step moved me into the world of whole grains.  I tried to stick to grains (pseudo-cereals) with a lower GI like quinoa and buckwheat. Occasionally, I ate low carb bread or a small portion of whole wheat pasta. I increased my veggie intake. Roasted cauliflower, green beans, broccoli, spinach, green salad… I tried to have at least one veggie at every meal.  Yes, you can eat veggies for breakfast!

4. I cut out white rice, and rarely ate brown rice.

5. No more potatoes. (French fries count as potatoes!)

I still ate small amounts of sweet potatoes, along with non-starchy vegetables.

6. I reduced grain intake even more.

By this point I had significantly reduced my intake of carbohydrates. I started to focus on cutting back on all carbs.  I snacked on nuts.  If I ate a sandwich, I ate only open-faced  to minimize bread intake. I took even smaller portions of whole wheat pasta or brown rice. I began to add fat to my diet to avoid feeling hungry. Fatty cheese. Spinach in cream and butter. Nut butters. Lots of them.

7.  I stopped eating corn (even popcorn).

8.  I reduced whole grain intake to only once a day.

9.  I carried almonds with me everywhere.  I began to think of them as part of my diabetes treatment. A perfect snack.

12. Glucose tablets, not food, to treat lows. I realized a low doesn’t mean eating everything in sight.

13. I stopped eating after dinner. I did my best to eat enough at dinner so that I didn’t want to eat again at 10:00 p.m. This rule kept me from going to bed with high blood sugar, or needing to take insulin late at night.

14. I ignored all the people telling me I was eating too much cheese.

15. Fruit.  I set limits.  I ate berries instead of grapes. Half an apple.  No bananas. I embraced the cucumber as a quick snack.

And that was it.  I’d done it.  Over a few months, I’d transitioned to a low carb diet fairly painlessly.  When it got tough along the way I reminded myself that this was about feeling better, and making blood glucose easier to manage.  It was not a punishment. If I had an intense craving, I didn’t feel bad if I gave into it.  I still don’t. Because some days really do require chocolate chip cookies.

The information I’ve shared here is what has worked for me. I love to eat salads and vegetables. I can go a long way on a few spoonfuls of almond butter mixed into yogurt. If you eat meat, eggs and chicken, this will be a breeze. If you don’t, you need to find good sources of protein. Now start visiting all the amazing low carb food blogs out there, like this one, and get advice from the pros. You’ll realize eating low carb doesn’t mean you’re deprived.

Jessica Apple
Jessica Apple

Jessica Apple grew up in Houston. She studied Bible and Ancient Near Eastern Studies at the University of Michigan, and completed an MA in the same field at the Hebrew University. She began to write and publish short stories while a student, and continues to write essays and fiction while raising her three sons (and many pets). Jessica’s work has appeared in The New York Times Magazine, The Financial Times Magazine, The Southern Review, The Bellevue Literary Review, Tablet Magazine, and elsewhere. She is the diabetes correspondent for The Faster Times. In 2009 she and her husband, both type 1 diabetics, founded A Sweet Life, where she serves as editor-in-chief. Jessica loves spending time with her sons, cooking with her husband, playing with her cats, reading, biking, drinking coffee, and whenever possible, taking a nap. Follow Jessica on Twitter (@jessapple)

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Dave Smith
Dave Smith
9 years ago

Nicely written, Jessica! My path to the low-carb side was a tidge different than most – I’m studying to become a nurse, and as part of my prereqs I took a class on Anatomy & Physiology. The prof discussed lipid & glucose metabolism, and as she did a little light clicked on – I made a note about weight loss, and naturally forgot about it. :-P About a year later, I’d resolved to start exercising to see if I could manage my Type II diabetes without meds (no medical insurance), which worked somewhat. Then, I saw a YouTube video from… Read more »

Debbie Theriault
Debbie Theriault
9 years ago

awesome article!! I’m a type 1 diabetic also and I’m able to normalize my blood sugar by cutting out carbs. no grains, no sugars and I still eat delicious REAL foods!!! I feel so much better being OFF that roller coaster of highs and lows. Reading Dr. Bernstein’s book The Diabetes Solution is what set me on a path to normalized blood sugars…and now I feel healthy and happy. No more depression due to the roller coaster blood sugars.

9 years ago

Yes!!! This has helped my 5yo T1 so much. We no longer chase numbers all day. She eats way more veggies and along with healthy fats and protein has a well rounded diet. It took us a year to find this way of life. I wish I would have know this at diagnosis. It would have saved us a year of scary highs and lows.

9 years ago

A year after my daughter (aged 6) being diagnosed with T1 hba1c has been halved, only started to come down when we switched to LCHF (6 months in) highs and lows are few and far between. We eat no processed foods, everything cooked from scratch and she eats so well. There are plenty of delicious recipes out there and sweet treats are plentiful using the right ingredients.

RD Dikeman
9 years ago

Congrats! There is no recipe that can’t be made with a low carb version! And there is no reason to eat carbs – carbs are just chains of sugar molecules and an unnecessary macronutrient. Things are changing – more people are realizing that the ‘kids need carbs’ claptrap offered up by their doctors/nutritionists just doesnt make sense. Kids need normal blood sugars, not carbohydrate glucose.

Sara Dawn Johnson
9 years ago

I started eating low carb last summer. After 28 years of T1 I finally have said goodbye to crazy bg swings. AND I’m eating lots of satisfying eggs, oils, bacon, cheese, meats, TONS of veggies, and nuts to the tune of 15 pounds lost! I find a dark chocolate covered almond or two (or three) fixes any sweet cravings I get.

9 years ago

I love this. It IS possible to cut back on carbs and see significant improvements. Many choose to go whole hog all at once into low carb, but like you I did it little by little. And now? I love it and wouldn’t have it any other way.

Patrick L
Patrick L
9 years ago

A great read low carb is a great foundation to keeping your A1c’s down I especially love #14. I ignored all the people telling me I was eating too much cheese.

Kate Cornell
9 years ago

This is exactly what I’ve done over the years, without realizing it. I’m curious about what your take is on legumes. I’ve been tracking my carbs this week and beans add quite a bit of carbs, but I don’t “fear” them. Do you eat beans?

9 years ago

Great article, Jessica, thank you. As a type 1 diabetic of nearly 30 years, following a standard diet, I, too, found it very difficult to gain good glycaemic control. In 2013 I started following a low carb way of eating and it has completely changed the way I manage my diabetes for the better.
But you’re right. Such a huge dietary overhaul can be very daunting for
some people. Some people embrace the transition and get on with it, whilst for others, the change can be overwhelming and a stepped approach is what’s needed.

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