#DBlogWeek Day 2 – Keep it to Yourself

A few days ago, after we put up our Short and Sweet interview with Karen Graffeo, I looked over the D blog Week topics to see if any of them “spoke” to me. The first was right up my ally – I Can. But I didn’t think I would have much to say about today’s topic until I read Molly’s blog about not discussing or posting her A1c results.

The reason I didn’t think I would have anything to say on this topic is because one of the first decisions I made when diagnosed was that I was not going to be embarrassed about anything that has to do with diabetes. Don’t get me wrong, I’m embarrassed of plenty of things and I have many things I don’t like to discuss with others, but when it comes to diabetes I feel like there is nothing to be ashamed of, success or failure.

I made this decision after meeting people who tested and injected in private and even some who kept their disease a secret. I decided that hiding implied that I’d done something wrong.

When I started blogging on ASweetLife, I took my diabetes public. This wasn’t an easy decision for me but when I made it I knew that there could be no secrets. I couldn’t boast about my success (running marathons, eating low carb and just living well) with out sharing my failures. (I caught myself with a BG of 42 a few hours ago.) And I had to paint a full picture of my life with diabetes, and dealing with my A1c has always been big part of that.

I’ve posted my A1c many times on this blog, usually voicing my frustration and occasionally my satisfaction.

I have had results which I had a hard time sharing but doing so has always felt better than not. My A1c is far from where I would like it to be and it seems that no matter how hard I try I can’t get it down for more than a quarter (three months).

So, when it comes to diabetes I have no secrets. I work hard to stay alive. That’s something to be proud of, not to hide.

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8 years ago

Having had type 1 for a number of years(over 25years):I have learned not to care what others think. I don’t ask for their uninfomed opinion which 99% of the people I meet don’t know any thing about. I don’t want to hear their sad story about their uncle willie amputation ( truth being He drank and smoked and cuzzed worst then a …….He was on a road to destruction full of anger and gave up attidude over some disorder he just could not manage. When I meet someone with Type 1, I will simply just say: “If I can help… Read more »

Carol Burris
8 years ago

Thank you for your post.

Of all the things in life to be embarrassed about — and, I admit, there seem to be a lot — I’ve never understood why so many of us feel “ashamed” of having an illness. What’s worse is I’ve seen this embarrassment interfere with or even prevent people from getting the help that’s needed.

9 years ago

Thanks for this post!
Nearly 6 years on strict LCHF (not more than 5 c.g. per meal), and my latest A1C was 0.5.
My doc said “I don’t know how you do it.”
My answer: I’m fighting for my life! It’s worth it. I feel great.

9 years ago

The fact that you work hard to stay alive is ALOT!! I am a new blogger re diabetes and am going to post my A1C for Saturday’s post. I am nervous to share because I never have, but in order to show anyone that Dr. Bernstein’s program works, I gotta be transparent and show my number:) I love your blog!

Molly J
Molly J
9 years ago

Awesome blog, Mike!

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