Don’t Judge People with Type 2 Diabetes

Don’t Judge People with Type 2 Diabetes

After living with type 1 diabetes for two decades, I’ve been on the receiving end of hundreds of innocent questions and comments in which someone assumes I have type 2 diabetes. When I was a child, my parents were asked if my diagnosis was a result of too much sugar in my diet. Kids at school wondered why a thin person like me had diabetes. Trusted adults advised me to make sure people understood I didn’t give myself diabetes. This all set me up to view those with type 2 diabetes as people who were not taking care of themselves. I don’t think that way anymore, not at all.

People with type 2 diabetes continue to be seen as culprits who brought diabetes onto themselves instead as of people struggling with a difficult illness. Type 2 diabetes shaming has become part of our culture. I used to be part of that. In my early 20’s, when someone said, “Oh you have the type of diabetes you didn’t give yourself” I would proudly nod in agreement while a little voice in my head said, “You know how hard it is to avoid certain foods, to be disciplined, check blood sugars, stay active, and eat well. You are being a hypocrite.” It was just so much easier to avoid being grouped with “those people”. If someone asked if I had type 2 diabetes I would quickly blurt out, “Oh no, I got this as a child.” I didn’t want to suffer more at the hands of diabetes than I already did.

The way I see it now, I abandoned my fellow type 2’s because the truth is I struggle in ways that I know would give me a hell of a time if I had type 2 diabetes. If I had type 2 diabetes, my food, exercise, depression, and my general lack of discipline would likely still be a part of me and so my challenges with diabetes would continue. Perhaps I’d be even worse off, weighed down under society’s view of me. On certain occasions, I feel I have benefitted from being seen as the noble victim of a tragic illness I acquired as an innocent child. Type 2’s never experience anything but contempt.

It took me a long time to speak out about this matter. Two years ago a doctor asked about my A1c as she always did. She was impressed with my latest results so I added that I still often get blood sugar fluctuations. She said, “I know, it’s hard for you, but you make the effort to take care of yourself unlike those with type 2 who don’t.” I stared at her blankly until she stopped writing in my chart and looked up at me. My adrenaline was pumping as I forced myself to say, “Wait, that’s not accurate. People with type 2 diabetes are just like you and me and everyone else. We all struggle in varying degrees. I do take care of myself, but not all the time. The same is likely true of anyone with type 2 diabetes.”

I didn’t stand up for the truth sooner because of fear and rejection, but also because I didn’t see the big picture. Now, I have realized that when we put down others in order to lift ourselves up, we actually weigh ourselves down in the process. Both type 1 and type 2 diabetes are incredibly complex, challenging, expensive, and damaging to millions of people. All people with diabetes share the pain, the complications, the frustrations, and the stereotypes. I’m no longer offended because when people ask if I have the bad diabetes or the lifestyle one because it provides me with an opportunity to educate. Each of us is deserving of unconditional support and respect when it comes to our diabetes. Blame, shame, and guilt are not effective in any way. Let’s all do without them and instead shoot for truth: no matter what kind of illness you have, it’s a struggle, and everyone deserves to be treated with dignity.

 *Art by Ana Morales

Sysy Morales
Sysy Morales

Sysy Morales has lived with type 1 diabetes for 20 years and has a brother, sister, and an uncle with type 1 diabetes. Sysy works as a health coach, freelance writer, and public speaker on the subject of diabetes. She lives in Virginia with her husband and two 5 year old children.

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Dwight Nicholson
Dwight Nicholson
3 years ago

Sysy, Wow! Although I have always considered myself a very good writer (and the yankee corporate world I retired from over 10 years ago would agree), you really excelled in this article. Please excuse the typos or whatever in this post – I am in a hurry, but just had to say something or die (figuratively). You are in a position (as a knowlegeable type 1 diabetic), to present this in a way that even the most cowered, jaded – or even bigoted people – might take some notice. Truth should prevail. Thanks so much for taking the time and… Read more »

9 years ago

Type 2 is NOT the lifestyle one ! It is true we are usually a bit fat but Mary Tyler Moore was active and skinny and she got it too ! It has to do with a gene that you have since birth . This gene causes hormones that make you feel more hunger at middle age so then you probably gain a bit . Being fat and eating loads of sugar is NOT the cause (even though many type 2 are obese and love sugar) not all are fat or over sugary ! We did not cause our illness… Read more »

9 years ago

The judgement T2s face is not about diabetes; it’s about weight. We, as a society, are obsessed with weight and fat, and it’s lead to an epidemic of fat shaming. If the cause of T2 diabetes were something other than what people perceive as lazy, gluttonous behavior, the response to it would be entirely different. If T2 diabetes were a result of avid cycling, its sufferers would be revered as “victims,” and not lazy slobs who deserve what they get. What’s interesting is that there is more and more evidence suggesting that the genetic metabolic syndrome that leads to insulin… Read more »

Doug Tallman
9 years ago

As a T2D, I’m really surprised at that endo. Nearly every T2 I’ve every met has said, “diabetes runs in my family.” That’s a pretty strong sign that T2 is passed genetically, not gastronomically.

Richard Vaughn
Richard Vaughn
9 years ago

Sysy, thanks for writing this blog, it says the truth about type 2, and is written so very well. I had four type 2 relatives, and only one is still living. None of them were comfortable talking about it, so I avoided the subject. I always felt they were hounded by people who were ignorant and did not understand.

9 years ago

Yes, Type 2 diabetes is a complicated disease. Lack of education and the passing out of misinformation is a real problem. However, I get really tired of explaining to people who have type 2 that diabetics can eat sugar and that diabetics count carbs. Do I judge? Certainly. If people listen, then I don’t. I just get tired of not being listened to and people not taking care of themselves.

7 years ago
Reply to  Daisy

Not quite understanding your comment. Type 1’s can eat some sugar, because you can counteract it by your insulin to a degree. For Type 2’s, they HAVE TO limit carbs and sugar (or eliminate most/all processed sugar altogether) stringently, because we AREN’T injecting insulin (at least initially). There isn’t a type 2 diabetic I know, including myself, that doesn’t know and isn’t taught by nutritionists at diagnosis how to count carbs religiously to keep BGs down. It’s insulting to make the blanket assumption that Type 2ers neglect their diet. Some do I’m sure, but most do not, unless they have… Read more »

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