Single With Diabetes

Why can’t the cat bring me glucose tablets? #UseYourPaws


I have reached a horrifying age: everyone I know is talking about marriage, buying houses, and having babies. The shift has happened over the past year or so. My friends began to move in with their significant others, a few got engaged, and a few got married. I expected this day to come, but what I didn’t expect was how much of it would involve my friends in the diabetes community. When a person with diabetes finds a great partner they gain much more than love and happiness. They gain a comrade in their never-ending diabetes management.

I often see my friends’ social media posts about how thankful they are for their spouses or significant others, and how they’d never be able to manage their diabetes care without them. This got me thinking that it’s time to hear the voice (or read the status updates or tweets) of a single person with diabetes. So here you have it:

Why can’t the cat bring me glucose tablets? #UseYourPaws

Lantus. No, that’s not the new Toyota SUV. It’s the insulin I needed to inject three hours ago. #SetAlarm

That moment you mistake your buzzing CGM for the alarm clock and throw it at the wall. #NoOneHereToStopMe

Why can’t the cat pour me a glass of orange juice? #Can’tCryOverSpilledJuice

I sleep with a different brand of glucose tablets every night. #Don’tJudge.

Mom, please nag me about my diabetes. #defeated

Purring counts as emotional support. #CatTherapy


A true friend is someone who calls and wakes you five times during the night. #HowLowCanYouGo

Alone, but not lonely. I always have diabetes with me! #MakingTheBestOfIt

Cheers to all you other single people out there with diabetes, I feel as though we don’t get as much credit as we deserve. Here’s to every #single one of us!

#SingleWithDiabetesAndRockingIt #ButHeyKittyLearnToHelpMe

Lauren Stanford
Lauren Stanford

Lauren Stanford was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes in 1997 at the age of six. She became an advocate for diabetes research and awareness as a young child, testifying before Congress twice, serving as ChairKid of JDRF’s Children’s Congress and speaking as part of the 2008 Democratic National Convention.

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8 years ago

Thanks Lauren, Nice to be reminded it’s a young persons life also. For me, I have the same feeling but at the age when I should be considering retirement after a long term marriage comes to an unexpected end (talk about really feeling alone). I will remember your words as I slumber to bed alone, also with my glucose tablets, that I am alone but not lonely! Wise words from an amazing young lady!

Katie Black
Katie Black
8 years ago

Good one Lauren. Stay true to your own goals. About half (at least) of your early wed friends will also be early divorced, sadly.

And cats! Well, they always love you.

It’s difficult no matter what. Use juice boxes…easier to swallow at night. ;-)

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