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Bonnie K
Bonnie K
8 years ago

Hi. I enjoyed your story and sounds like where you live is beautiful… need more of that in my life… we have a Dex 4 no share.. but hoping for the Dex 5 as my daughter is desperate to go back to being at all the sleepovers that she can’t attend and that make her feel outside the group… I do not have a high alert on my dex..she always spikes after meals so there isn’t a point and that helped us alleviate many alerts for her.. she has the low setting set to 100 and that’s it. So only… Read more »

8 years ago

The writer does a great job of expressing what our family has discovered about CGMs and the Share feature. They are inarguably helpful with achieving greater BG control. However, I wonder if we have collectively absorbed the “emergency prevention” marketing message (vs. improved A1Cs) and this has contributed to greater anxiety both for the parent and the child, who already carry a heavy disease management burden. These devices and software are fantastic, and we are grateful intermittent users of them, but their benefits aren’t always worth the additional strain on a challenging condition. At times, the CGM/share set up has… Read more »

Katy Killilea
8 years ago

I loved every word of this. Our Share is off today; my son’s at school, the rest of us are far-flung, I know he’s fine, I don’t need to see his blood glucose rise after lunch. It’s lovely and amazing having Share when we need it, but very important to remember to not mess with it when we *don’t* need it.

I love this writer’s writing and life and discount gourmet salsas. Thank you for sharing. (Sharing.)

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