Eat Some Avocadodo

That’s not a typo.  I really did write avocadodo.  It’s what my son, Guy, says every time I ask him if he’d like to eat some avocado.  He then continues to sing what he calls a blessing for the avocado.  Guy happens to be a very enthusiastic kid, but he’s also right.  The avocado is so good for us, it deserves a blessing.

Avocados are loaded with nutrients.  They have the highest protein content of any fruit, more potassium than bananas, and they contain lutein, an antioxidant important for eye-health.  Rich in vitamin E, vitamin C, and fiber, avocados are also high in heart-healthy monounsaturated fat.  One small avocado has approximately 12 grams of carbohydrate.

Ideas -other than guacamole – for eating avocadodo: plain, with fresh lemon juice, in a salad, or in a sandwich.

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Paul Baker
14 years ago

I too am a big fan of Avocado. Love it on bread with a little lemon juice and some black pepper.
When I first started to eat avo I found very little information on the carb content. The information that I did find seemed wrong (8 grams). I have been guessing the carb content as 15 grams and it has worked for me. Perhaps the avo’s in South Africa are larger than yours? :)

14 years ago

My mom makes a de-lish avocado custard (and ice cream actually) with avocado, honey, ginger, lemon and condensed milk… although I’ve made it with coconut milk instead and it was devine!!  Just chill for an hour or so for best taste :)

14 years ago

I love avocado!

14 years ago

Try alternating slices of avocado and pink grapefruit, on a bed of Romaine with a touch of ketchup/mayonnaise mix for a dressing.    (You can obviously use something a bit more diabetes-friendly for a dressing, but you don’t need very much.)

14 years ago

Just bought 2 Hass avocados today!  My nephew, who I live with and is a type 1, is going to experience his first avocado salad tomorrow!  Avocados also aid in nutrient absorption from other foods — so mix them with some healthy foods!


[…] and plain greek yogurt affect your blood sugar levels. Or how many grams of carbohydrate are in an avocado (thanks, […]

14 years ago

I’m going to put some on top of my microwave pizza for lunch.  LOVE the avocado!

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