23 Hilarious Diabetes Sniglets We Just Made Up

22 Hilarious Diabetes Sniglets We Just Made UpWhen my brother and I were kids in the ‘80s, we loved Sniglets, a series of books popularized on the show Not Necessarily the News. A sniglet is “any word that doesn’t appear in the dictionary, but should.” To play the Game of Sniglets, you could create a new nonsense word, repurpose an old one, make combinations, etc. They always made us laugh or made us think about funny situations, like ambivilane – the striped area by an exit ramp where people often pull off when trying to decide “Is this my exit?”

A common word we often hear in the online community is diaversary – the anniversary of your diabetes diagnosis. Taking a page from diaversary, we came up with the following for our diabetes dictionary (which of course we would call a diadictionary).


diabetic – [old English] a term once used to describe people with diabetes

diameter – the distance travelled by a person with diabetes to reach his or her glucose meter

diaphragm  – the muscle used for deep, calm breaths when someone asks, ‘Did you eat too much sugar?’

diabolical  – how one acts when blood sugar is high

dialogue – the conversation one has when meeting someone else wearing an insulin pump

diagonal –  that perfect 45° injection angle

diatribe – the angry, frustrated rant a person with diabetes goes off on when talking to their endocrinologist

diamond – the level of frequent flier miles you’d be at if you could count it in test strips

diagnosis – the day that will live in infamy

diarrhea – a condition caused by sugar free candy

diagram – what you draw while trying to understand your deductible and co-pay

diaper bag – what you need to carry all your diabetes junk

diagnostic – when you’re not sure whether you believe you took your dose or not

diary – your BG logs

dia de los muertos – you the morning after a major low blood sugar

And to get a little sillier…

diasaster – when you go to get that one last supply and realize you’re already out

diatitian  – the one you have to answer to (besides your scale)

dianother-day – our favorite James Bond film

diamn shame – when you go low but you’re out of the good candy

dialicious – when it’s low carb but you can’t tell

diavulge – when you share your A1C with the DOC

dialate – when you’re late for work because of an eye exam

diapression – when dealing with diabetes sends you into overwhelm mode

What diabetes sniglet would you add? Tell us in the comments!

Melissa Lee
Melissa Lee

+Melissa Lee was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at the age of 10 in 1990. Having spent her first 18 years post-diagnosis feeling very alone with the disease and hoping to achieve the control required for a healthy pregnancy with diabetes, Melissa discovered the diabetes online community in 2008 and found her advocacy voice, as well as the glucose control she needed to birth two healthy children. link

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