Have You Signed the Type 1 Diabetes Access Charter?

Through their Type 1 Diabetes Access Charter T1International is calling for insulin and other vital diabetes supplies to be made available for everyone with diabetes .

Have You Signed the Type 1 Diabetes Access Charter? 2 

Around the globe today, millions of people with type 1 diabetes are dying because they cannot afford or get a hold of insulin, supplies, education and treatment. In fact, one of every two people who needs insulin to survive cannot access it. For those who are lucky enough to access insulin and diabetes supplies, some people around the world are paying as much as 80% of their income to cover the costs associated with diabetes.

We carried out a survey recently to explore the costs that people must pay out-of-pocket for their insulin and supplies. Someone from the USA responded to the survey and shared some information about their own struggle, “I pay roughly $5000 for three months of diabetes supplies. With deductibles, co-insurances, co-pays, premiums, etc, it is over half of my yearly income.”

Our partners in rural Sierra Leone have recently started to offer support for people with type 1 diabetes, but the community there cannot easily access insulin, let alone afford it. ‘’This sickness is not for poor people,’’ said fifteen-year-old Mouhammad in Medina, Sierra Leone. His insulin is supplied by someone who purchases it from India and then brings it over in bulk a few times a year. In Syria, those who are have survived the chaos with type 1 diabetes must walk for hours in search of insulin.

These are just a few examples of the global type 1 diabetes situation, and there is clearly an urgent need for change. T1International has created a charter to take a stand against the outrageous lack of access to life saving essentials that people with type 1 diabetes around the world face every day.

We are asking individuals and organizations to pledge their support to five rights that people with type 1 diabetes should have:

  1. The right to insulin
  2. The right to manage blood sugar
  3. The right to diabetes education
  4. The right to healthcare
  5. The right to live a life free from discrimination


We hope that the charter will be used to bolster type 1 diabetes advocacy efforts worldwide, showing that there are many voices united for these rights. So far, more than 200 individuals and organizations have signed. We hope you will, too.

A few months ago, T1 International’s Insulin for Syrians campaign provided urgently needed insulin and supplies to people with type 1 diabetes. The campaign was a huge success and we are so proud that the community raised almost £10,000 for the cause. This is a fantastic outcome, but it was a slight step away from our main focus as an advocacy organization. T1International is committed to ensuring sustainable change so that no one has to wait or worry where their next vial of insulin comes from. We believe that advocacy and campaigning is the key to creating more long-term change for a greater number of people.

Our charter supports our mission by serving as part of a wider advocacy strategy that people will be able to build upon with the help of our upcoming advocacy toolkit. The aim is to influence the actions of governments and organizations so that policies can be changed and the rights of people with type 1 diabetes can be prioritized.

We ask that you take a little time on or around World Diabetes day to sign the charter. As a next step, you can print out the PDF version and download the corresponding letter which can be tailored and personalized. Translations of the charter and letter are also available in Spanish, French, Russian, Chinese, Arabic, and other languages on the website.

Send or hand the letter and charter documents to someone who can influence change – maybe it’s your State Representative, Member of Parliament, or someone in the media. Ask them to sign the charter and then spread the word far and wide to help us build momentum.

Our global diabetes community will get stronger and stronger as we stand together and demand change.

Elizabeth Pfiester
Elizabeth Pfiester

Elizabeth Pfiester has lived with Type 1 diabetes for over 20 years. Early on, she found her passions of education and humanitarian work, which took her to the London, where she received a Master’s degree in International Development and Humanitarian Emergencies at the London School of Economics and Political Science. Elizabeth started www.t1international.com last year to create a space to easily navigate global diabetes resources, organizations, and existing literature about care, policy, and treatment in places where Type 1 diabetics are often forgotten. Since its inception, she has been conducting interviews and writing articles; she now has readers from over 80 countries.

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