Has A British Man Really Been Cured of Type 1 Diabetes?

Has A British Man Really Been Cured of Type 1 Diabetes?

I have been living with type 1 diabetes for 25 years now. The relentlessness of type 1, and the fact that I will probably live with this non-preventable condition for the rest of my life never goes away, but I have almost made peace with it.

 A few days ago, I saw something that gave me pause. “British man with type 1 diabetes to receive tests after coming off insulin,” read Diabetes.co.uk’s headline. The article goes onto say that, “Daniel Darkes, from Daventy in Northamptonshire, was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes seven years ago. But his recent tests have baffled doctors as his pancreas has shown signs of working properly again.”

My first thoughts upon reading this were, “this can’t be true,” and “what’s the real explanation here?” There are many types of diabetes including type 2, LADA, and monogenic. Maybe he actually had one of those types instead of type 1. Usually, tests can determine this quickly though, so why was it not the case with Dan?

British Man Believes He is Cured of Type 1 Diabetes
Daniel Darkes

I live in the UK and I wanted to get to the bottom of things.  I managed to get in touch with ‘Miracle Dan’, as he’s been called by his friends. Although he is saving the specific details of his recent test results from the U.S. for an upcoming exclusive interview with another media outlet, he spoke to me and answered some of my questions about everything that has been happening.


Please tell us a bit about yourself and your diabetes. When were you diagnosed? 

I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes back in February 2011 at the age of 23, after just leaving the army. I started a new engineering job and within two weeks of starting, I noticed the traditional symptoms of type 1 diabetes: thirst, weight loss, blurry vision, and a lot of vomiting. I collapsed and was taken by ambulance to hospital where I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes.

I have always controlled my diabetes pretty well since my diagnosis seven years ago. I do a lot of long distance running, which could possibly relate to this, as some of the tests are proving at present.

Did you have a test to measure for c-peptide at diagnosis that confirmed your body was no longer making any insulin at all? 

I was tested and those tests did say my pancreas was not making any insulin at all. There was definitely nothing there in terms of insulin production. I was also previously tested and had the antibodies that destroy beta cells.

How did you realize that you might be ‘cured’, and can you tell us more about that? What was the change you noticed?

I was going low a lot, waking up hypo in the night. Eventually, after blood tests, including ones that showed my HbA1C was lowering, and getting lower, I was told by my doctors to reduce my insulin intake. I was eventually told to come off it completely.

 What types of tests have you been going through? What can you tell us about those test results?

What has happened has never been seen before, so I was sent to St. Louis to get tests done. They included a run with fasting for 6 hours beforehand. I was sent there mainly to undergo more extensive tests than could be done in the UK. One such test included a data microchip and physical exercise to determine sensor movement from my brain to see if there was a sufficient trigger in my cells, especially as my body was going into exhaustion mode.

I do a lot of long-distance running and there is a theory that one of my 100-mile ultra-marathons may have shocked my body into producing insulin again. There will be more information coming out soon about the results of my tests.

Is it possible you were just misdiagnosed as having type 1 diabetes when really it was another type?

I definitely had type 1 diabetes. I have gotten many comments online that I was just misdiagnosed and it was type 2 diabetes, but I was on Novorapid and Lantus for 7 years – taking 15 units in morning, 12 units at lunch and then another evening dose. I do not think I was misdiagnosed. I know what I had.

Is there an official name for what has happened to your body?

There is no name as of yet for what I have, but within the next few weeks, no doubt there will be.

 Are you completely off insulin now? What’s next for you in terms of your healthcare plan?

I have now been off all insulin since December 2016. I will have regular check-ups, and regular blood tests to monitor all of this.

How do you feel about everything that has happened?

Right now, I am feeling delighted and shocked. I sleep better, feel sharper and alert, and I am full of energy.


 A big thank you to Daniel for taking the time to speak with me. To be honest, I am more baffled than ever, but I’ll be anxiously awaiting more information about Dan’s test results.

Elizabeth Pfiester
Elizabeth Pfiester

Elizabeth Pfiester has lived with Type 1 diabetes for over 20 years. Early on, she found her passions of education and humanitarian work, which took her to the London, where she received a Master’s degree in International Development and Humanitarian Emergencies at the London School of Economics and Political Science. Elizabeth started www.t1international.com last year to create a space to easily navigate global diabetes resources, organizations, and existing literature about care, policy, and treatment in places where Type 1 diabetics are often forgotten. Since its inception, she has been conducting interviews and writing articles; she now has readers from over 80 countries.

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John norwood
John norwood
5 years ago

I think this has happened to me it’s so confusing , I was fully dependant on insulin for 2 years until I started having hypos a lot I slowly reduced my insulin until I wasn’t taking any.my blood sugar average around 6.5mmol similar to this guy this changed my life after I came out of hospital I stuck to a serious diet and exercise can this really have done this .

5 years ago

I am a type 1 diabetic since my 8th birthday when i went into a coma. I happen to go in a coma 1 to 2 times a year. I gotten pancreatitus and other stuff as well. I almost died many times. i am very sick right now too. I really need to cure myself before i die from it, I dont know what to do. Im almost 14 now and it been getting worse, please help me. Text me if you can please. thank you so much

5 years ago
Reply to  Candy

Hi Candy, I was diagnosed as type 1 diabetic around age 12, I’m 45 now. I’ve just started the keto, intermittent fasting eating system and its lowered my insulin intake and my A1C levels. Look up Dr. Berg on YouTube & Facebook plus, take his quiz. My life has gotten soo much greater.

5 years ago
Reply to  Candy

Also Candy, ALWAYS talk to your doctor about this before you make any changes in your eating habits.

6 years ago

I have type 1 diabetes for nearly 51 years. This article sounds FAKE and HOAX. NEVER allow your hope to get HIGH. I keep hearing it every 5 years for nearly 51 years about curing type 1 diabetes very soon. That is the BIGGEST BS! The BIG pharmacies do not allow any scientists to cure type 1 diabetes since they are very GREEDY.

6 years ago
Reply to  Michael

I have had type 1 diabetes for over 30 years I took care of myself the best I could but still had to take insulin and even increase the dosage over the years, I have changed my lifestyle after hitting rock bottom I am eating pretty much the ketogenic diet and have been the stem cell treatment recently , I now have so much energy and have been around 95 waking up each morning I decided to lower my dosage a couple days ago, i just tested my sugars it was 90 mid day was 120 I just wanted to… Read more »

madisen byrne
madisen byrne
6 years ago

why hasn’t anyone put this out there yet i have had type 1 since i was 18 months old and so has my mom and she is 38 and i’m 12 and i really don’t like having to do this every single day 6 times a day

6 years ago
Reply to  madisen byrne

Deal with it!

5 years ago
Reply to  Michael

It isn’t as easy as “Deal with it”. It’s a horrible condition that is different for everyone. So while it may be easy for you (assuming you have type 1) it may not be easy for her. As for OP, I wish you all the best, but I think this article is fake; at this time, there is no cure for type 1.

Beverly Raine
Beverly Raine
6 years ago

My granddaughter who is 11 years old and her family came to LA to visit for Christmas, 2017. She was drinking and urinating a lot. Stomach was hurting and feeling bad. Took her to the ER, she was admitted to ICU with type1. Her blood sugar was 455. She was there 6 days trying to get her blood sugar down. I’m happy to say 3 months later after being on a very low carb diet and 4 insulin injections per day, they were slowly able to continually decrease her insulin. As of yesterday March 26, 2018, she is now off… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  Beverly Raine

Sounds like she’s going the her honeymoon stage

6 years ago

Why hasn’t this been on the news everywhere!!!!
Ive had type 1 diabetes for about 5 years now, and I’ve always been told there’s nothing I can do to reverse it.
I’m sooo tired of this, and I’m only 17, I’m also an athlete, and this makes it so much harder

Harlyn Ross
6 years ago

Does anyone think Dan has been asked to keep secret the lab the tests were performed at and his test results so that other people with possible similar experiences/symptoms may bot be tested and have the same experience as Dan did (by experience I mean being able to stop taking insulin, or being “cured” of diabetes)? I am type 1 diabetic myself and have been for 15 years and I feel that this could be a possibility.

6 years ago

Thanks for the article. I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes in March of 2017 (when this article was written) at the age of 30. I’m in the “honey moon” phase, I believe. This article does give me hope as I’m currently down to taking 5 units of Lantus daily and 2-3 units of Novolog with meals of 75 carbs or less. It does appear that I’m needing less and less insulin as time goes by. Through some research I’ve found that foods such as turmeric, ginger, bone broth, etc., can help heal the gut and lower inflammation so I’m… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  Andrew

Hi Andrew, I would like to talk to you. My son was diagnosed last April as T1. I have sent you my email. I have also read a bit recently about the fasting diet in mice – was it the American doctor, gosh can’t think of his name now but either way, I’d be interested to hear how your diet is improving things.

6 years ago
Reply to  Andrew

I would like to discuss with you as well. My daughter was recently diagnosed

6 years ago
Reply to  Andrew

Hi Andrew. My daughter is only 9 and diagnosed with diabetes type 1 . I wander if you can send me more information on mimicking diet. Thank you

G Davis
G Davis
6 years ago
Reply to  Andrew

My husband has type 2 and discovered that pure Aloe juice (no sugar, buys by gallon at walmart 6.50 or so) lowers blood sugar spikes if he drinks a couple ounces. It has other uses for inflammation too. It comes in capsule form. He doesn’t follow the diabetes diet, got off meds after losing weight. Eats low carb pita bread or wraps, but seldom. No starches, only apples no other fruit or juices. Only greens, meats, eggs, cheese, no sugar almond milk, pickles, olives, cool whip for treat, nuts, oatmeal. Kind of boring but works for him.

6 years ago
Reply to  G Davis

Join the discussion…He is type 2 there is a difference here. Type 1 has no natural production of insulin which you must have to live.

5 years ago
Reply to  Harry

Not true. More recent studies indicate that a hood proportion of type 1s still produce some endogenous insulin.

Jean Potter
Jean Potter
5 years ago
Reply to  Andrew

I would love information about the diet. My 12 year old grandson has just been diagnosed with type 1.
Thank you

6 years ago

Elizabeth,thank you! I always believed that type 1 can be cured, yes ,so glad there is one went through lab. Most cured just keep themselves quiet to avoid chaos in life.( yes, imagine being labled and doubted and questioned all the time) Was looking for more detailed living style about dan, eating, sleeping, but not much. yes, sport with good sweat can cure, he did that. what else? For people who care about this topic, most probably either you or your loved ones have type 1, I assume. You are so educated about “the medical fact” and have you ever… Read more »

7 years ago

I was also diagnosed with Type-1 diabetes, coming into the hospital after becoming very thin, urinating many times at night, blurry vision, and other diabetes signs. My blood sugar numbers were off the chart, and so I went onto Lantus at night and Apedra with every meal, for about a year. Then I found that I too had to start reducing my insulin. I asked the doctor if my pancreas would still produce insulin even if I was taking insulin injections. He said no, since the pancreas produces insulin only when it senses that blood sugar is too high, and… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  Ken

Thank you, Ken.
May I ask your diet ? what did you have for every meal before you diagnosed T1 and what make you cured? and do you exercise regularly?
If possible, may I ask your blood type?

Rebecca Buder
Rebecca Buder
6 years ago
Reply to  Ken

I too am vegan (have been type 1 for 32 years), and the difference in my general health is fantastic. I have been vegan for 5 years now, vegetarian for 2 before that (I did it for the animals) and it helped my full blood report so much in the first year that my doc kept picking up my full blood report and putting it down and picking it up and putting it down again, saying that he never saw such a thing in a long term type 1. Great job, Ken!

6 years ago
Reply to  Ken

Ken, I would really like to talk to you about this. My son was diagnosed last April with T1 – I’ve always had my doubts that his diagnosis was correct because he didn’t display any of the typical symptoms. I’d rather not go into too much detail on here and I have enclosed my email for you to respond, if you are willing to discuss it further. I also have gone vegan since mid November having watched various videos about the effects of dairy and meat on health – trying to get my 10 year old to cut back is… Read more »

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