Waiting to Go Down

This is a true story. More or less.

Scene: Mind and Body stand on a sparse stage. A small hill with a small tree are visible off to the right. Mind wears a top hat; Body is missing a shoe.

Body: I’m hungry.
Mind: We should measure our blood sugar first.
Body: Eh, you can skip it. I feel okay– oh, too late. Well, what are we?
Mind: 152.
Body: Not too bad.
Mind: Yeah, but we shouldn’t eat now. I will bolus, and wait ten minutes, and measure again.
Body: Fiiine.
(Pause; Mind picks up a magazine. Body looks around, stretches. Looks at Mind, begins tapping foot. Whistles.)
Mind: Do you have to do that?
Body: Can we eat yet? I’m hungry.
Mind: It’s only been two minutes.
Body: But I’m hungry noooww.
Mind: Suck it up.
(Pause; Body looks around for another thirty seconds.)
Body: Are we there yet?
Mind: No.
Body: Howabout now?
Mind: No. Quiet.
Body: Now?
Mind: Okay, why don’t you go take a walk or something? Stop bugging me. It’ll probably make our blood sugar go down faster anyway.
Body: Just eat now. Our blood sugar will go up for a little while, but if we don’t measure us for a few hours, it’ll go back down. No one will know.
Mind: It doesn’t work like that. We tried that before, and you just complained for hours that you felt sick and had a headache. Plus, it’s not just knowing the number– there are moral absolutes here. I give in to you now and then twenty years down the line I’ll have to listen to your endless complaining that you can’t see and that you’re peeing blood.
Body: Don’t be vulgar. Besides, it’s just one time.
Mind: Yeah, that’s what you said last time. And the worst of it is, when all your organs are failing, you’ll blame it on me, saying I should have stopped you.
Body: C’mon, you’re being silly–
Mind: Like the criminal who blames the cop for not stopping him from stealing in time.
Body: I’m hungry NOW. I say we’re eating.
Mind: Who died and made you king?
Body: I’ve been king since Adam and Eve walked out of that garden, Mind. You should know– you’re the one who read the book.
Mind: Yeah, well, not today. We’re waiting.
Body: It’s been eight minutes. Close enough– let’s eat.
Mind: No. But I guess we can measure again.
(Pause; they measure their blood sugar, peer over at the meter.)
Body: Well?
Mind: Damn. 149.
Body: There! It’s going down! We’re eating.
Mind: We are not. That is well within the margin of error.
Body: Oh for crying out loud. I swear I feel low anyway. Look- I’m beginning to sweat!
Mind: No you’re not. You’re faking it.
Body: Am not! Feel my arm!
Mind (refusing to touch): You are the single most obnoxious person I have ever met.
Body: That’s only because everyone else you deal with is a mind. Wait until you have kids. Then you’ll just be begging to spend some time with me.
Mind: Will you just go take a walk already? We’ll never go down if you don’t; you’re just dragging this out and–
Body: Fine! I’ll take a walk! But just know I warned you– we should have eaten now.
(Body spins around and begins jogging in circles around the stage. Mind reads the magazine, checks watch.)
Mind: Hey, are you done yet? Don’t go too long– then we’ll just get low. Hey! Body! Where are you?
(Body stops jogging in front of Mind.)
Body: Uhoh.
Mind: What? Uhoh what?
Body: I think now I’m low.
Mind: What? Were you walking? Or running? Did you overdo it?
Body: Oh boy. I don’t feel good.
Mind: Quick, come here, let’s measure our blood sugar.
Body: Where? What?
Mind: Here! Come here!
Body: Oh no. Mayday! Mayday! I’m crashing!
Mind: Will you come here? You’re not helping! And quiet! I can’t even hear myself think!
Body: Help! Feed me! Feed me!
Mind: No! Slow down!
(Mind tries to calm Body down enough to measure their blood sugar; they tussle for a bit before Mind gives up.)
Mind: Fine! Fine! Eat! Here, eat!
(Mind hands Body a loaf of bread, which Body begins to devour.)
Mind: Wait! No! Not all of it!
(Too late. Body has eaten the entire loaf.)
Body: More! More! I need more!
Mind: No you don’t! Just wait! Why can’t you ever wait?
(Body thrashes around for another minute before suddenly stopping all motion.)
Body: Oh. There it is. Now I can feel it.
Mind: You did it too quickly. We’re going to shoot up now. Man. I hate this.
Body: Well– what do you mean I did it too quickly? I was panicked! I’m not the one who should be in charge! Why didn’t you stop me?
Mind: I tried!
Body: You should have tried harder! I don’t want to go up now– bolus! Quick, bolus!
Mind: Oh now you don’t. We are not overreacting! We’ll end up doing this all over again!
Body: What are you going to do then? We have to do something!
Mind: We’re going to wait?
Body: Wait?
Mind: Yes, we will wait.
Body: How long?
Mind: Until we know more.
Body: When will that be?
Mind: In a while. We’ll measure our blood sugar, and we’ll wait, and we’ll see.
Body: And until then?
Mind: Until then, we wait.
Karmel Allison
Karmel Allison

Karmel was born in Southern California, diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes at the age of nine, and educated at UC Berkeley. Karmel now lives in San Diego with her husband, where she is loving the sunshine, working in computational biology at the University of California, San Diego, and learning to use the active voice when talking about her diabetes.

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14 years ago

Karmel, this, along with your Valentine poem, send me into a very serious mood.
We “curious hosts and concerned friends” or however you worded it, are so naive.

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