Testing SugarMedical’s Diabetes Bag

I’m always on the lookout for a new diabetes bag, or any tips, tricks, or products that may make life with diabetes a little easier. Throughout the years, I have discovered many things that have brought both fun and function into my world, and I’ve been in constant appreciation of anything and everything that brings positivity into my diabetes experience. I thoroughly enjoy sharing my finds with friends near and far, both through my blog, What Sarah Said, and also with the members of the peer support meetups I lead in Boston, Massachusetts through the DiabetesSisters PODS program.

Between the work I do within the diabetes community, my “real” full-time job, and my extracurricular and educational pursuits, I find myself always on-the-go, traveling from one activity or event to the next. With that busy schedule, I find it imperative to prioritize both being prepared and being organized — particularly when it comes to anything to do with my diabetes care and management. I am the girl who ALWAYS has glucagon and fast acting glucose. I may even have some back up test strips or a meter you can borrow. I think it was the twelve consecutive years I spent in the Girl Scouts that fostered my preference to never opt to travel light in lieu of packing whatever you might need for the journey ahead. There’s no such thing as being too prepared, right?

I was so happy to have the opportunity to try out a diabetes bag by SugarMedical, a wonderful company started by a fellow T1D New Englander, Carolyn Jäger. Having something to keep my diabetes essentials in order, while being easily accessible and convenient to carry, is so important to me, and the Omnipod Case that I chose has quickly turned into a favorite of mine. In fact, I’ve used it nearly every single day since it arrived in the mail!

The color I chose was “Emily,” a beautiful shade of purple that is a great choice for anyone looking for something elegant and simple. I really like how well it goes with a lot of what I wear, and I have often opted to carry it exclusively, leaving my giant purse behind, and stashing my ID and important cards in the front pocket that offers a Velcro zipper. It’s nice to be able to have everything you need in one place! Even though I’m not a current Omnipod user, this case was still perfect for me because it was described as being able to fit larger glucose meters – or in my case, more stuff! I’ve even been able to zip it closed with a juice box inside.

The material on the outside seems to be quite durable, the fabric displaying a subtle hexagonal design that seems to help with the integrity and strength of the material. I can tell that this is a diabetes case that can stand the test of time and all I may put it through. This is another thing that is important to me, as a consumer. I have purchased cases in the past that, while beautiful, did not seem to be made from the best material, and quickly discovered that with even gentle, general use led to “wear and tear” that I just wouldn’t expect from something I’d invested my money in. As someone who can lovingly be described as “clumsy,” I’m happy to know that this fabric is durable and easy to clean. I often spill things accidentally (like when a bottle of lotion has leaked out everywhere inside my bag) so I truly rest easy knowing that should anything happen, this Emily case will likely wipe nice and clean with ease.

Perhaps the coolest feature of the Emily Omnipod case is the trash slot for test strip waste. I have another diabetes case with a trash pouch, but that one needs to be unzipped, and oftentimes I find myself feeling too lazy to even do that! Inevitably, the strips build up and I end up needing to shake it all out over a trash can. So that’s why I think this case from SugarMedical is really great, because the trash slot is built right in, making it easy to just slide the used strip through and into the trash pocket on the back. That pocket can be accessed and opened via the Velcro strip on the back of the case, making this a terrific option for the person who is tired of their used test strips falling to the floor every time they unzip their kit to test.

I love knowing that these cases are designed by a woman who has type 1 diabetes, too. Like so many of us, Carolyn wanted something more fashionable and fun to carry her supplies in, and now her vision is shared with the world through SugarMedical. There are so many creatively cool designs and styles (with more to be released this summer) that it’s safe to assume there’s something for everyone – even the T1D guys out there! I’m particularly interested in their insulated backpacks and will certainly be adding one of those to my wish list. For more information on the Emily Case, or SugarMedical, please visit their website.

DISCLAIMER:  Sarah received a SugarMedical Emily bag, at no cost to Sarah, for review purposes. 

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Sarah Macleod

Sarah MacLeod is a diabetes advocate, writer, and certified holistic health coach living in the suburbs of Boston. She was diagnosed with T1D in 2005, at age 15. Sarah has been a PODS leader for the DiabetesSisters since 2013, leading peer support groups for women in Massachusetts, and is also a board member for the diabetes and eating disorder non-profit, the Diabulimia Helpline. She is currently enrolled in a 200-hour RYT program, and is also a certified reiki practitioner. Follow Sarah’s journey as she explores life with chronic illness by checking out her blog, What Sarah Said.

Sarah MacLeod
Sarah Macleod

Sarah MacLeod is a diabetes advocate, writer, and certified holistic health coach living in the suburbs of Boston. She was diagnosed with T1D in 2005, at age 15. Sarah has been a PODS leader for the DiabetesSisters since 2013, leading peer support groups for women in Massachusetts, and is also a board member for the diabetes and eating disorder non-profit, the Diabulimia Helpline. She is currently enrolled in a 200-hour RYT program, and is also a certified reiki practitioner. Follow Sarah’s journey as she explores life with chronic illness by checking out her blog, What Sarah Said.

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6 years ago

There are so many options for women who carry purses or are not out of place carrying a handbag in public….Do you ever find something that would be more appropiate for men who need to keep things to a minimum. Most bags are so thick that I can’t put it in a pocket so I don’t keep the test kit with me when I go out.

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