Low Carb African Chicken & Peanut Stew

African Chicken & Peanut Stew

Here’s an easy adaptation of a staple in homes across West Africa: chicken stew thickened with “ground nuts,” also known as peanuts. Garlic, ginger and tomato build layers of flavor for the broth, and at the end we swirl in chunky natural peanut butter (no added sugars or oils), which adds a delightful richness. The combination of flavors is exciting and distinct.

Dark chicken leg meat is ideal, because it doesn’t overcook easily – this lets you bubble the stew down until the broth reaches your preferred consistency with no worries about dry meat. And cooking bone-in chicken adds richness and body to the broth. I let it simmer for 30 minutes, which cooked it almost down into a sauce. You can choose skinless chicken to reduce the fat content.

This dish is full of medium-carb ingredients, but they’re all high-flavor and pack a punch in small amounts. I’ve tweaked the recipe bring the net carbs within the bounds of most keto meal plans, and I couldn’t have been happier with the result.

(5 votes, average: 4.20 out of 5)
Low Carb African Chicken & Peanut Stew


  • 2 chicken leg & thigh pieces, bone-in and skin-on
  • salt
  • black pepper
  • 2 Tbsp peanut oil (or other neutral oil)
  • 3 cloves garlic, peeled
  • 2” knob of ginger, peeled
  • ½ cup canned crushed tomato
  • 1 large jalapeño, sliced (optional)
  • 3 cups chicken stock or bone broth (preferably homemade)
  • 4 Tbsp natural peanut butter
  • Cilantro (or parsley) to garnish


  1. Slice through chicken leg & thigh at the knee joint to separate, if necessary. Season with salt & black pepper.
  2. Heat peanut oil in a heavy-bottomed pot or dutch oven over medium-high heat.
  3. Sear the chicken on both sides until pleasantly browned, about 3 minutes per side.
  4. Remove chicken and set aside. Turn heat off.
  5. Using a microplane, mortar or a sharp knife, zest, pulverize or mince the garlic and ginger into a fine paste.
  6. Add garlic-ginger paste to the same pot, and turn heat back to low. There should be enough oil remaining in the pan from the previous step.
  7. Lightly sauté garlic-ginger paste until fragrant. Add jalapeño and sauté for another minute.
  8. Add tomato and sauté for several minutes, until it tomato slightly darkens and looks good and oily.
  9. Return chicken to the pot, add stock, and return to a boil.
  10. Lower to a simmer and top the pot with a lid. Simmer for 30 minutes.
  11. Remove lid. Add peanut butter and swirl to combine. Continue cooking until broth achieves the desired thickness.
  12. Serve with a sprinkle of chopped cilantro or parsley to garnish.

Yield: 2

Food energy: 868 kcal

Total fat: 70g

Carbohydrate: 14.1g

Protein per serving: 47g

Total dietary fiber: 3.5g

Ross Wollen
Ross Wollen

Ross Wollen is a chef and writer based in Maine's Midcoast region. Before moving East, Ross was a veteran of the Bay Area restaurant and artisanal food scenes; he has also worked as a food safety consultant. As executive chef of Belcampo Meat Co., Ross helped launch the bone broth craze. Since his diagnosis with Type 1 diabetes in 2017, he has focused on exploring the potential of naturally low-carb cooking. Follow Ross on Twitter: @RossWollen

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4 years ago

Can I use chicken breast instead of chicken legs in the recipe for the chicken stew? Sure looks good.

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