On the Coat Tails of the Rotterdam Marathon

It’s been almost three weeks since I ran the Rotterdam marathon and I’m back to running 25 to 30 miles a week.  I’ve spent the last seven months marathon training – from the Tiberias marathon September 1st 2009 until April 7th 2010 when I ran the Rotterdam marathon. I know it’s time for a rest but I’ve decided to run one last race this season – the Tel Aviv half-marathon.

I have four half marathons under my belt so far.  I ran three of them last season and one during my training for the Rotterdam marathon. The last one was an off road race with a number of difficult hills (at least they were difficult to someone who lives in a very flat city). I was a little disappointed in my result (1:54:00) since I had run the same distance in better time during training a few times.  But since it wasn’t a regular race and I considered it part of my marathon training, I didn’t think about it very much. Only now, after checking my previous results, did I realize this disappointing result was my best half marathon time.

I haven’t made up my mind if I’m going to try and beat my personal best this time, or just run the race for fun. I know I can complete a half marathon on the coat tails of the Rotterdam marathon but I’m not so sure I’m physically able to run a half marathon in under 1:54.

I’ll make up my next weekend after I run my first 10+ mile run. If I feel good and strong I’ll go for it. I really want to try and run one long race this year without any diabetes related problems (yes I wasn’t 100% last time either).

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