Eli Lilly and Walmart to Provide Affordable Insulin

Eli Lilly and Company announced they’re teaming up with Walmart to provide an affordable insulin option for people with diabetes.
Beginning in mid-September, Lilly’s Humulin(R) brand of insulin will be available in Walmart pharmacies across the U.S. under the dual-branded name Humulin(R) ReliOn(R), including 10 mL vials of Humulin(R) R U-100, Humulin(R) N, and Humulin(R) 70/30 formulations.

Humulin, the world’s first synthetic human insulin, was introduced by Lilly in 1982.

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Ruth Miller
Ruth Miller
8 years ago

I use Humulin R 500 and am in the donut hole. I have a co-pay of over $500 for a $1400 vial at the pharmacy. That is every month.

10 years ago

In 2013 I was in Belgium when I had to buy a vial of Lily humalog. I paid under $30.00 at a pharmacy.  So why the inflated insurance cost of over $140.00 per vial. Why such a scam on prices???
Seems like insurance companies are a real scham when it comes to supposed coverage for the average person.
America maybe a great country but there seems no protection for those of us that keeps the country working.
Very discouraging!! 

Dave S
Dave S
12 years ago

Eli Lilly Cares…yeah you bet, At Walmart I pay 128.50 for a 10ml vial of Humalog, I just returned from Mexico where I pay $39.40 for the very same thing, only labeled in Spanish.  So tell me how much Eli Lilly and walmart cares….all the way to the bank, and the lantus is just the same way!   Both these companies are stealing from me myself over 300.00 a month for my health care.  So when I’m in the donut hole or the deductable months I can’t afford the medicine. This a great big fraud and attempt to fix prices between… Read more »

Daniel Haszard
14 years ago

Eli Lilly promotes sales of their #1 drug (Zyprexa $4.8 billion per year) that can *cause* diabetes and then turns around and makes billions selling more drugs to treat the diabetes.
Lilly’s cash cow Zyprexa has been over-prescribed and linked to a 10-times greater risk of causing type 2 diabetes and increased risk of heart attack.
Daniel Haszard Zyprexa whistle-blower http://www.zyprexa-victims.com

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