Tag: insulin

The Traveling Diabetic

I just returned from a trip to Tokyo for work and am finally over my jet-lag and settling back into my old routine.  It was a crazy week: not much sleep,…

Flowers for Insulin

I just had a lovely dip down to 38 mg/dl, so when I first saw a headline indicating that scientists had figured out a way to derive insulin from safflowers,…

FDA Clears Clibra’s Insulin Patch

Calibra Medical Inc., formerly known as Seattle Medical Technologies Inc., announced today that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has given Finesse, the company’s insulin patch-pen, 510(k) clearance. Only 2” long, 1” wide and ¼” thick, Finesse is able to hold and deliver prescribed amounts of insulin over multiple days while...

FDA Needs More Time to Review MannKind’s New Drug Application for Inhaled Insulin

MannKind Corp. announced that it was informed today by the FDA that they will not be able to complete the review of MannKind's new drug application for its ultra rapid-acting insulin therapy by the action date of January 16, 2010.The FDA explained that it has not yet completed its inspection of the insulin manufacturing facilities of N.V. Organon, a third-party supplier to MannKind....

Pigs and my Pancreas

Having diabetes makes me pay attention to all sorts of things that, in my previous life, I could have cared less about. Like, for example, the different…

Dan Hurley and Diabetes Rising

I’ve got an interview up today with Dan Hurley, author of the new book, Diabetes Rising — and wanted to write a quick blog post to mention…

Biodel Inc. Submits New Drug Application to FDA for A New Form of Insulin

Biodel, Inc. announced that it has submitted a new drug application to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for clearance to market of VIAject(R) as a treatment for diabetes. VIAjecta(R) is a formulation of recombinant human insulin that is designed to be absorbed into the blood faster than currently marketed rapid-acting insulin analogs. It is Biodel's most advanced product candidate and has been tested in more than 884 patients who participated in Phase 1, 2 and 3 clinical trials...

Pumping Insulin

The closed loop system is the Holy Grail sought after as an engineering solution for type 1 diabetes. Unlike glucose sensors which need quite a bit…

Exercise and beta cell function

Insulin resistance, the hallmark of prediabetes, is compensated for by an increase in insulin output. Since the pancreas will eventually work…

Pancreatic Karoshi

Japan is one of the few countries that actually publishes the number of people who die suddenly on the job. Their name for it is karoshi: death by overwork.…