Tag: Coffee

Pumpkin Spice Frappuccino

Pumpkin Spice Frappuccino

It’s almost fall and thoughts are turning to pumpkin. Except it’s also still summer and temps around the country have barely begun to drop. What’s…
Gingerbread Latte

Gingerbread Lattes

Oh that chill in the air, it’s just so delightful! It makes you want to curl up with a good book and a good sipper from Starbucks. Too bad they don’t make…

Caffeinated: How Our Daily Habit Helps, Hurts, and Hooks Us (Book Review)

Carpenter traces the world history of caffeine, which is foundation for his argument that we have been hooked for a long, long time. The first documented habitual use has been traced to the Soconusco region of Mexico, a sweltering, rainy plain region along the Pacific coast. Archaeological evidence 3,500 years old indicates that the Izapans, Mayans, and Aztecs relied on chocolate in ceremonies (including human sacrifice), as currency, and in warfare.
Coffee Cup

Drink Coffee, But Not Too Much

We’re seen a number of studies discussing the health benefits of coffee, and this makes us pretty happy. A new study, however, heeds caution.…

Coffee Reduces Risk of Type 2 Diabetes

New evidence shows that drinking coffee may help prevent diabetes and lower blood sugar, according to a EurekAlert report. In a study, published in Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, scientists fed either water or coffee to a group of laboratory mice commonly used to study diabetes. Coffee consumption prevented the development of high-blood sugar and also improved insulin sensitivity in the mice, thereby reducing the risk of diabetes...

Carbs in my Coffee

I had some dreams they were carbs in my coffee Carbs in my coffee, and... You're so vain... Mike makes fantastic cappuccino every morning, which I love (and need). The problem, however, is that the cup of warm, foamy milk which he pours into the coffee sometimes causes my blood sugar to jump to 160 or higher

Lunch Time Coffee Reduces Type 2 Diabetes Risk

Many studies have shown that drinking coffee, regular or decaf, with or without sugar, reduces the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. A new study, reported by the Globe and Mail has found that when you drink your coffee may have an effect on diabetes risk...