Search Results for: catherine+price

Give Abbott Your Feedback

I love my CGM, don’t get me wrong. But there are times when I run into problems with my continuous glucometer, like when it falls off during exercise, or when I rupture a blood vessel and bleed all over the floor (see here — but watch out; there are photographs)....

A Thanksgiving Shout-Out

It is T minus 24 hours before Thanksgiving, and my family has officially descended. I just spent the morning with my mother at Whole Foods, where I discovered that a taste for triple creme really does run in the family — the amount of cheese we just bought is absurd....

A Diabetic Thanksgiving

Halloween might be the worst holiday for diabetic kids, but as an adult, I consider it a preview for more difficult days to come. Sure, I’ll sneak in a few Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups on October 31st (because they’re delicious and wonderful and no one should have to go through...

Pioneer Woman, Meet Diabetic Woman

A big hurray to Catherine Price, whose wonderful essay on being a type 1 diabetic appeared in yesterday’s New York Times Well Blog. It’s a beautifully written piece, and Catherine describes life as a type 1 just right. If you haven’t read it yet, I highly recommend doing so. And...

Diabetes in the New York Times

I just had an essay about living with Type 1 diabetes published in the New York Times, and let me tell you this: few things make me happier than feeling like I’m connecting with people about something that’s such an important part of my life. Many thanks to Tara Parker-Pope...

Graphic Content: When Good Glucometers Go Bad

If you’ve clicked on this post, it’s probably too late to warn you — but I’ll try anyway: this post contains blood. If you don’t enjoy the idea of a dripping wound on your thigh, you might want to click back to the recipe section. It all started when I...

News Flash: Continuous Glucose Monitors Are Useful!

I suppose that any time a new kind of medical treatment is developed, it’s important to test its efficacy before deciding whether it’s worth the cash. But nonetheless, I continue to be amazed when I see headlines touting the benefits of CGMs (continuous glucose monitors) for people with diabetes —...

Parking Violations

...some tenuous analogy to how receiving bills for violations from years past is similar in concept to diabetic complications — eat the cupcake now, pay the price later — but let’s face it: I’m mostly just pissed off about the tickets. And that can’t be good for my blood sugar....

Nebraska and Stem Cells

Good news for fans of embryonic stem cell research — according to the Associated Press, the board of regents at the University of Nebraska voted down the proposal, which I wrote about yesterday, to impose Bush-esque restrictions on the stem cell lines available for research. To quote from the Associated...

Come on, Nebraska

According to the New York Times, the University of Nebraska is considering restricting its stem cell experiments to cell lines approved by former President George W. Bush. For anyone who has forgotten the history, in 2001 Bush declared that federal money would only be allowed to be used for research...