Search Results for: catherine+price

Wedding Cake

The last time I wrote in this blog about an anniversary, it was to commemorate eight years with diabetes. But today I’m writing about a happier milestone: this weekend is my one-year anniversary with my husband. We’re about to head out of town for the weekend, but had a couple...

What’s God Got To Do With It?

Anyone else out there a little upset to hear the verdict that just came down for Dale and Leilani Neumann, the Wisconsin couple whose 11-year-old daughter died before their eyes from untreated Type 1 diabetes because they refused to take her to the doctor? I remember hearing about this case...

Good News For Your Eyes

By now, most people probably are aware that the tighter your blood sugar control is, the fewer complications you’re likely to suffer down the line. Still, I like to remind myself of this fact whenever I can — since so many things about diabetes are uncontrollable, I find it comforting...

Diabetes and Swine Flu

I just got my seasonal flu shot today (they’re available at Walgreens for $24.99) and as I watched the pharmacist plunge a surprisingly long needle into my upper arm — it’s intra-muscular, baby! — it occurred to me that it might be useful to post some information on flu vaccines...

Symlin and Harry Potter

There are things I tend to find out about early, like the latest top 40 hip-hop hits. And then there are things that I’m slower to pick up on, like children’s fantasy novels. Case in point, my experience with Harry Potter: I *just* read the 6th and 7th books last...

Symlin Sickness

I was getting ready to write this really pro-Symlin post, explaining how it’s really done a great job of smoothing out my blood sugars and is helping me lose weight to boot. I was even going to drop a little line in there saying that despite a week or so...

Symlin: A Primer

I’m coming up on week two of my Symlin experiment, and I’ve got to say: I love it. Symlin, as you probably know, is a synthetic version of the human hormone amylin which — to quote the FDA — is “a naturally occurring neuroendocrine hormone synthesized by pancreatic beta cells...

Symlin: A First Attempt

So I took a little Symlin (15 mcg) with breakfast today and am eagerly waiting to see what’s going to happen. My breakfast was not a “major meal” as defined by the Symlin manufacturers (i.e. less than 250 calories and fewer than 30 grams carb). But since it routinely requires...

Sugar Lumps

Okay, so this is less about diabetes than it is about the Flight of Conchords. But it has the word “sugar” in its title. Ergo. . . . [youtube][/youtube]...

Symlin: A New Adventure

I had my tri-monthly checkup at my endocrinologist’s today, and convinced him to let me try Symlin. They faxed in the prescription for me today, and I’m eager to receive it and start giving it a shot. (That pun was unintentional, I swear.) It’s strange — my doctor seems to...