Search Results for: catherine+price

A Staph Meeting

I have been wearing a Minimed insulin pump for about 9 years now (the Paradigm 522 at the moment), mostly without problems. But I’ve noticed that in the past year or so, my body has not been reacting in the same ways it used to. I’ve been getting a lot...

Damaged Goods

Okay, so I’ve long ago accepted the fact that when it comes to my pancreas and general immune system, I’m damaged goods. That’s fine. In fact, I like to think of diabetes as giving me a sort of quirky charm. I’m even relatively okay with the marks diabetes makes on...

Nanette Latham: WTF?

As you may have seen in the news, a California couple — Gregory Lee and Yvonne Dee Latham — were just convicted of second-degree murder in the death of their 17-year-old daughter Nanette, a Type 1 diabetic who died from out-of-control blood sugars that her parents did nothing to treat....

A Healthcare Follow-Up

First of all, thank you to everyone who commented on my post yesterday about the long-term consequences that the new American healthcare legislation might have for the treatment options for people with diabetes. I’m used to getting comments (from other sites, not A Sweet Life!) saying that I’m an idiot...

Healthcare and Diabetes

Last night, the United States Congress voted to pass the much debated healthcare bill. It was a moment likely celebrated by thousands of people just like me, whose status as Type 1 diabetics means that we are automatically disqualified from any individual plan. I suppose I should have been cheering,...

Propaganda Posters For Diabetes

Last night, my husband showed me this photo series (I believe it’s titled “Kim Jong Il Looking At Stuff”) and it cracked me up. Here are a couple of my favorites — you can see more at the original site. or: or: Part of my enjoyment may be due to...

Sleeping With The Enemy

No, I’m not talking about diabetes itself. I’m talking about the sensor for my continuous glucometer (CGM). I don’t mean to imply too hostile of a relationship between me and my Abbott Freestyle Navigator — most of the time, I love my CGM. Adore it, even. I have no intention...

Symptoms of Diabetes – Type 1 and LADA

My husband, Mike, and I both have type 1 diabetes – sort of. The full story is that Mike has type 1 diabetes, and I have LADA. Are you confused, like so many others, about the distinctions between these forms of diabetes? Take a look, then, at Catherine Price’s clear-cut...

What is LADA?

...other. The challenge, Nierras says, is that people with confirmed cases of LADA are “hard to find and clinically confusing.” Anyone want to lead a drive for more LADA research? Additional information about LADA: – – [1] [2] Catherine Price is a regular contributor to ASweetLife, she...

One Lucky Duck

...low glycemic indexes, but that didn’t change the fact that they were sweet. For those who can’t visit Pure Food and Wine firsthand, you can order some of One Lucky Duck’s snacks on their website. Catherine Price is a regular contributor to ASweetLife, she writes the blog The Reluctant Diabetic...