Katy Killilea
Katy Killilea

Katy Killilea lives in Rhode Island with her family. The younger of her sons was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes in 2011 when he was 8 years old. Two years later she was diagnosed with Type 1 herself. Her older son is a test subject in an experimental trial for a drug that stops the progression of Type 1 diabetes. This son, her husband, and their dog remain (relatively) unaffected by diabetes. She writes the blog Bigfoot Child Have Diabetes.

I Sort of Have Type 1 Diabetes

I Sort of Have Type 1 Diabetes

Although I was diagnosed three years ago, and Jack three months ago, neither of us has taken a speck of insulin. Having Type 1 diabetes but not needing to take insulin is weird. It is nothing to complain about, but it doesn’t make sense in most doctors’ offices, or spark joy among other people with diabetes.
Diabetes Blog Week Logo - 2015

In Case You Missed It: Diabetes Blog Week 2015

The sixth annual Diabetes Blog Week ended on Sunday, with enough startling, illuminating, and hilarious posts to flip your diabetic brains inside out. Diabetes Blog Week, brainchild of diabetes advocate and Bittersweet Diabetes blogger Karen Graffeo, happens annually in May. Each year, seven themes (one for each day of the week, natch) are chosen by Karen to inspire, unite, and criss-cross the paths of disparate D-bloggers across the globe.
Unsolicited Diabetes Advice

Unsolicited Diabetes Advice: Think Before You Share

If you are a friend or family member who provides TLC in the form of spontaneously delivered diabetes advice, thank you! That is so nice! Unfortunately, not all of it arrives in the loving, friendly form you intended.