Category: Food & Nutrition

How Bad Is McDonald’s Food?

Is it McDonald's fault that more than 63% of Americans are overweight? I don't think so, because each of us is responsible for what we put in our mouths...

The Very Best Recipes For Health: 250 Recipes (and More) From Martha Rose Shulman

Martha Rose Shulman's new cookbook, a compilation of recipes from her popular feature, offers readers health-conscious and delicious dishes. While this isn't meant to be a diabetes cookbook (you'll find some grain-based and pasta recipes) there are still plenty of excellent choices for us within its pages. Shulman has chapters devoted to salads, simple vegetables, and fish and poultry dishes.

The Best of ASweetLife 2010

Over the last few weeks we've been trying to choose our favorite essays and recipes to re-feature in a "best of" list. It's been a difficult task...
Juice - Don't Drink Your Carbs

Don’t Drink Your Carbs

For many people juice equals fruit, so drinking juice would seem like a healthy choice. They are surprised to find that drinking juice is similar to drinking a soda...

Blueberries Keep Getting Better

According to a new study published in the October issue of The Journal of Nutrition, daily consumption of whole blueberries increases insulin…

Rosh Hashana and the Pomegranate

Rosh Hashana, the Jewish New Year, is just around the corner. Traditionally, Rosh Hashana meals include apples and honey which symbolize a sweet new year, and guarantee a fast rise in blood glucose levels. So what's a diabetic to do? One option is, of course, to have a tiny bite and call it quits....