Category: Eating

Why I Chose a Low Carb Ketogenic Diet

Why I Chose a Ketogenic Diet For Diabetes Management

I am a retired physician living with Type 1 diabetes since 1998. I started to exercise regularly in 2007 to help ward off complications, particularly cardiovascular disease. I was unaware at the time that aerobic exercise alone would have little impact on the development of cardiovascular disease. It wasn’t until 2011 when I contemplated doing an ironman distance triathlon, that I discovered diet is the most important determinate in the development of most chronic diseases, including cardiovascular disease.

8 Allergy Friendly Halloween Treats

I love black cats, pumpkins, and kids in adorable costumes, but I hate Halloween. As the parent of a child with food allergies, it is truly a terrifying holiday. I know that some parents of children with diabetes feel the same way. Because... how do you keep your child safe when sugar and allergens are everywhere?
How to Feed Children with Type 1 Diabetes: A Trust Model

How to Feed Children with Type 1 Diabetes: A Trust Model

With Type 1 diabetes there will be special circumstances, but overall, the trusting approach that sDOR presents will help a child in the long run. Some of the traditional ways of managing diabetes can undermine a person's trust with their hunger and fullness cues, and constantly correcting highs and lows can contribute to a cycle of forcing foods when a child is not hungry.”
Low Carb Vegetables

The 12 Best Low Carb Vegetables

If you’re looking to keep your carbs low, here are twelve healthy low carb vegetables that will give you the most bang for your buck. They are all low in carbs and high in fiber and nutrients. Plus some of them can be used in place of pasta, bread, and chips. You can’t beat that!
3D Eat Out Eat Well home

A Diabetes Guide to Eating in Restaurants

10 Skills and Strategies for Healthier Restaurant Eating targets common behaviors we all have and suggests ways we can set ourselves up for success when we do eat out.

7 Quick Low Carb Breakfast Ideas

We've long been fans of vegetables for breakfast, but making a salad for breakfast is not necessarily quick. Slicing a few cucumbers lengthwise, however, takes no time at all. Cucumbers are surprisingly refreshing and might just jump start your day.
How I Started a Successful Low Carb Diet

How I Started a Successful Low Carb Diet

I knew if were to wake up one morning and stop eating everything I loved, I'd be hungry and cranky. So, I gave up carbs gradually and turned into a low carber with ease. Here are the steps that helped me. If you are considering a low carb diet, I hope they'll help you, too.