Why I Chose a Ketogenic Diet For Diabetes Management

Why I Chose a Low Carb Ketogenic Diet


Often people use the term “diet” to mean something that is temporary for a specific purpose, usually weight loss. For me, it is a permanent way of eating now. I am a retired physician living with Type 1 diabetes since 1998. I started to exercise regularly in 2007 to help ward off complications, particularly cardiovascular disease. I was unaware at the time that aerobic exercise alone would have little impact on the development of cardiovascular disease. It wasn’t until 2011 when I contemplated doing an ironman distance triathlon, that I discovered diet is the most important determinate in the development of most chronic diseases, including cardiovascular disease. My research led me to begin a very low carbohydrate, ketogenic diet in February 2012.

Why I Chose a Low Carb Ketogenic Diet for Diabetes Management

Carbohydrate is the macronutrient that raises blood glucose the most, so keeping consumption low is my primary goal. Of next importance is using whole foods that naturally have the necessary micronutrients and enough complete proteins to support my exercise. I had to add fat to my meals to replace calories from the omitted carbohydrates. My protein intake did not change after starting a ketogenic low carb high fat diet. This way of eating has resulted in a significant improvement in my blood glucose control and a 1.2% reduction in HbA1c. Most importantly, the diet supplies my body with the energy, substrates, and nutrients to enable daily resistance and aerobic/endurance exercise, with minimal need for sports nutrition (sugar), or development of hypoglycemia. I completed The Great Floridian Triathlon in October 2012 without any sugar, food, or hypoglycemia thanks to my low carbohydrate ketogenic lifestyle.

Nutritional Ketosis

My diet keeps me in a state of nutritional ketosis*, the natural result of a low carbohydrate diet that instructs the fat cells to release fat and the liver to convert some of that fat into ketones. Ketones, including acetoacetate and beta-hydroxybutyrate, are small energy molecules clipped from long fatty acids to replace a portion of the glucose requirements of many key organs, particularly the brain. The body over time becomes metabolically flexible, and able to utilize glucose, fat, and ketones, instead of just glucose and fat. This is especially important for those with diabetes who may experience hypoglycemia since ketones can supply the brain with fuel when blood glucose is temporarily low. The low carbohydrate ketogenic diet has also been found to be anti-inflammatory and improves cardiovascular risk factors in persons with metabolic syndrome.

To stay in continuous nutritional ketosis I keep my total carbohydrate content at about 50 grams/day, but others may require as little as 20 grams/day. By monitoring urine ketones, blood ketones, and/or breath ketones, I have confirmed nearly continuous nutritional ketosis. My dietary protein intake is about 1.4 grams/kg body weight/day, so for my 5’8″ height and 166 lb. weight, that’s about 105 grams of protein/day. My dietary fat intake is fairly high as a percentage of calorie intake (about 75%), but the quantity of dietary fat (about 209 grams/day) is just enough to feel energetic and maintain a lean body composition.

Hunger has never been a problem for me, but has become even less noticeable since starting my diet. I eat breakfast at 8 a.m. and dinner at 6 p.m.. I started skipping lunch (thus eating two meals a day) in 2001 to avoid taking insulin with lunch, and thereby decrease the likelihood of hypoglycemia while at work. Eating at regular times is not absolutely necessary when type 1 is treated with insulin analogs, but I prefer a regular schedule because insulin sensitivity changes throughout the day particularly after exercise and this affects the mealtime insulin doses needed. Persons with diabetes often ask me how difficult it is to maintain such a rigid diet. It’s really not all that difficult. Here’s what I eat.

DiabeticKetogenicAthlete - What I Eat


What I Cook And Eat

  • Beef, grass-fed, including skeletal muscle (65% lean), heart, liver, and kidney
  • Fish, mainly wild Alaskan salmon
  • Pork sausage and bacon (both uncured)
  • Lamb occasionally
  • Chicken & Turkey occasionally
  • Eggs (chicken)
  • Non-starchy vegetables (about 5% carbohydrate content by weight): Cabbage (Red, Green, Napa), Kale, Collard Greens, Spinach, Bell Peppers, Carrots, Leeks, Onions, Mushrooms, Brussels sprouts, Home-made Sauerkraut from Red Cabbage, Bok-Choy, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Yellow Squash, Zucchini, Cucumber, Lettuce (Iceberg & Romaine), Turnip Root, others I’m not recalling.
  • Fruit – Avocado, Tomatoes, Olives, Strawberries, Blueberries, Blackberries, lemon juice on fish and salads
  • Nuts & Seeds – Pepitas, Macadamia, Brazil, Pecan, Walnut, Pistachio, Cashew
  • Fat – Butter, Coconut & Olive Oils often, Cheese rarely (all these added fats are admittedly processed)
  • Note: I developed an intolerance to milk prior to my diagnosis of T1D. I did try heavy whipping cream after starting my KLCHF diet, but am also intolerant of it.


What I Drink

Water (filtered by reverse osmosis), Unsweetened Tea And Coffee.

What I Don’t Eat

  • Grains – Wheat, Corn, Rice, Oats (there are many more) or anything made from them, which is too numerous to list here. Gluten is a protein present in a number of grains (all varieties of wheat including spelt, kamut, and triticale as well as barley and rye.) which can cause a number of medical problems for a significant portion of the population with gluten sensitivity or celiac disease. In my case, I avoid them due to their carbohydrate content.
  • Starchy vegetables – potatoes, sweet potatoes, yams, most root vegetables (turnip root okay), peas
  • Legumes – peas, beans, lentils, peanuts, soybeans
  • High sugar fruits – includes most fruits except berries, see above.
  • Sugar and the fifty other names given to sugar.
  • Vegetable Oils (really seed oils) – Canola, Corn, Soybean, Peanut, Sunflower, Safflower, Cottonseed, Grape seed, Margarine & Butter substitutes, Shortening.
  • All Processed Food-like Substances (except as listed above) i.e., most of what is in the grocery store.
  • I avoid restaurants except when traveling, and then order fish or steak with plain steamed non-starchy vegetables (no gravy or sauces that typically contain sugar, cornstarch, or flour).


What I Don’t Drink

  • Colas (both sweetened and unsweetened).
  • Fruit Juice except small amounts of lemon juice.
  • Alcohol (can cause hyperglycemia or hypoglycemia in persons with diabetes).
  • No artificial sweeteners, don’t need or like them.


*Be sure not to confuse nutritional ketosis and diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA)


Dr. Keith Runyan
Dr. Keith Runyan

Dr. Keith Runyan is a retired physician who practiced Emergency Medicine, Internal Medicine, Nephrology, and Obesity Medicine during his 28 year career. In 1998, he developed type 1 diabetes at the age of 38 and struggled to manage his blood glucose due to hypoglycemic episodes. When he started regular exercise in 2007, his sports nutrition (sugar) exacerbated his glycemic control further. While preparing for an ironman distance triathlon, he discovered the ketogenic low carbohydrate diet that had been used for all persons with diabetes prior to the discovery of insulin in 1921. It was resurrected by Dr. Richard K. Bernstein and Dr. Runyan adopted his method of diabetes management. To Dr. Runyan’s surprise, his hypoglycemic episodes dramatically improved as did his glycemic control. He remains active with swimming, cycling, scuba diving, and more recently olympic weightlifting. He writes about his experiences to help educate others with diabetes in his blog, Ketogenic Diabetic Athlete.

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5 years ago


What food/drink do you recommend to treat hypoglycaemia when following the keto diet?

6 years ago

VERY interested in ketogenetic diets – am 61 and T1 for 37 years, always on thin side, so was skeptical of this “diet” at first. I too experience low bs during excercise. Am on fence to committing to this dietary lifestyle. So, VERY interested in this dialogue.

Leslie James
Leslie James
5 years ago
Reply to  Lori

I started getting low as well, so I stopped taking my insulin. I have been in normal range for a week now, with no highs or lows and not a drop of insulin.
I’m sure that can’t be normal. I’m not recommending this. Just sharing my experience. I am frankly astounded!

6 years ago

Thank you for sharing your experience. Can you speak to T1D and ketosis in relation to its affect on kidneys? Thanks!

Mel Hopkins
Mel Hopkins
6 years ago

I am a type 1 diabetic trying to lose weight. I am for sure in nutritional ketosis, but no weight loss. I am 155cm and 145 pounds, and I have been eating very low low calorie for years which my metabolism adapted to. When on a regular carb diet, exercising brought my bloodsugar down and I had to be very careful about active insulin when starting exercise. Now, however, when I exercise my bloodsugar goes up! HIIT or low intensity both raise bloodsugar and I have to take more insulin. So should I just lift weights? If less insulin=weight loss,… Read more »

6 years ago

I so I do not understand why you say not to,eat beans, lentils, etc.?
I have been told and read some beans,are good for the fiber. Do you not like almonds? Have you tried hemp milk? I did not see mentiin of coconut oil.

T Bruce Bowers
T Bruce Bowers
6 years ago

Hello, thanks for the great article. In it you say you are in nutritional ketosis, and that you verify that by glucose and ketone blood tests. If you don’t mind sharing your numbers, it would be informative for me. I have been on the diet for about a year, and I am trying to refine it. My glucose has been running 100-115, a few times down to the 90’s. Ketones hang around 1, with a couple spikes to 3.4.

7 years ago

Hi Keith. I am T1, and have been for 28 years of my 29 year life. I have grown up learning about nutrition, what foods work best for diabetes, and I am a pro at knowing what has carbs and what do not. My father is in animal science and nutrition and also has T1, so needless to say I have some experience. I only started Keto about 16 days ago, so I am pretty new, but I’ve been pretty strict on my carbs. I am having issues with my morning/fasting sugars and I’m pretty confused. I had a low… Read more »

Keith Runyan
Keith Runyan
7 years ago
Reply to  Leigh

Hi Leigh. A ketogenic diet makes managing type 1 diabetes (T1DM) easier, not easy. The reduction in dietary carbohydrate reduces insulin requirements, it does not eliminate insulin requirements. Thus, managing T1DM with a ketogenic diet is still a balancing act between food intake, the effect of physical activity on insulin sensitivity, and basal/bolus insulin. There will be high and low blood glucose readings on a ketogenic diet, just fewer of them, and to a lesser extent. Also, it takes more than a couple of weeks to sort out the insulin doses with the ketogenic diet itself. I have posted my… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Keith Runyan

Aloha Dr. I’m 39 and am on day 12 of the ketogenic diet. My UA revealed 2+ in ketones. Just had the A1c test and it revealed a 5.7 result. I’m 5’9″ and weigh 175 lbs. My road to fitness started in 2012, when I weighed 215 lbs. Perhaps the purposeful insulin spiking to restore glycogen stores based on bro science by bodybuilders caused the prediabetes diagnosis. On the other hand, I also read that the A1c test may be inaccurate if one is on ketosis since RBC live longer resulting in inaccurate calculations. In any case I’ll continue the… Read more »

7 years ago

i stopped eating sugar, grains, beans, and most fruit last year and i’ve never felt better. my triglycerides went from 144 to 32 and my vision improved. The diet is simple. i eat mostly green vegetables, grass fed meat, eggs, nuts and seeds. no more bloating and puffed out belly. thanks for sharing your story.

7 years ago

How are you doing now Dr. Runyan.? Can I follow this diet even though my Dr. Said that my cholesterol is high and has me on medication. This is my 16th day as a type 2 diabetic and cutting my carbs down to 22-40 grams a day I was able to lower my BG from 369 to 142 this morning. But I am hungry all the time and if I could eat the way you do, I think it will improve the quality of my life.

6 years ago
Reply to  Ernesto

Hi,Doctor, I am type 2and 47years old,I weigh 85kg,height is 1.56m,I have a protruding belly,though I’m on oral hypoglycemic agent I do feel hungry around mid day and I’m so worried about all this things.I want to to live healthy.

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