Category: Books


Caffeinated: How Our Daily Habit Helps, Hurts, and Hooks Us (Book Review)

Carpenter traces the world history of caffeine, which is foundation for his argument that we have been hooked for a long, long time. The first documented habitual use has been traced to the Soconusco region of Mexico, a sweltering, rainy plain region along the Pacific coast. Archaeological evidence 3,500 years old indicates that the Izapans, Mayans, and Aztecs relied on chocolate in ceremonies (including human sacrifice), as currency, and in warfare.
Emotional Eating with Diabetes

Emotional Eating with Diabetes: Book Review

I understood Vieira’s main point, that it’s essential for me to remind myself that I’m in control of what I eat. She summarizes her chapters with mantras that are meant to emphasize that I have the power over the food, not the other way around. She concludes the book with a plan for success that includes some guidelines to create a healthy relationship with food.
Diabetes Dos and How-Tos

Diabetes Do’s & How-To’s: A New Book by Riva Greenberg

Not long ago, I spent time with author Riva Greenberg, who has been living with type 1 diabetes for over 40 years. Riva is a well-known diabetes advocate and has just published her third book, Diabetes Do’s & How To’s. She blogs about diabetes for The Huffington Post, and travels around the U.S. giving talks about diabetes. I could write a long paragraph about Riva’s many achievements, but rather than that, I’d like to tell you why I think she is so successful.
Diabetes Books

New Diabetes Books Abound

New diabetes books are appearing left and right, and we've complied a list of some newly published and up-and-coming titles you won't want to miss. Check out our diabetes books list, and if you've already read the books, please send us your feedback.
Diabetes Do's and How To's - Riva Greenberg

Diabetes Do’s and How-To’s: A New Book by Riva Greenberg

Want to succeed managing your diabetes? Now you can. Diabetes Do's & How-To's is the quintessential "owner's manual" for those with diabetes and pre-diabetes. Here are the small, yet powerful steps to live well with diabetes -- and guidance how to take them.

Pumping Insulin, The Fifth Edition

We recently received a copy of Pumping Insulin, the 5th Edition, which provides up-to-date information on how to use an insulin pump to achieve the best blood glucose management. The book provides clear, logical steps on how to set up a pump test and adjust it. It demonstrates simple ways to find your total daily dose of insulin, basal rate and carb and correction factors for boluses, and how to use the bolus calculator to avoid stacking insulin and highs and lows.