Cellnovo Launches World’s First Mobile-Connected Insulin Pump

British based Cellnovo announced the commercial launch of the its new mobile-connected diabetes management system, and the start of the largest usability trial ever to investigate insulin pump technology for patients with type 1 diabetes. The trial will also be the first in which all clinical data is captured remotely, in real-time, using the mobile data connectivity of the Cellnovo system.  

Cellnovo’s diabetes management system comprises an insulin pump that connects wirelessly to an intuitive ‘app-based’ touch-screen handset.  The handset features an integral blood glucose monitor, an activity monitor and a mobile (GSM) data connection to a comprehensive web-based clinical management system. Cellnovo patients will be able to track and manage their diabetes; securely sharing all clinical information through the web so that they, their doctors, nurses and family members can ensure sustained and effective diabetic control.
Principal Investigator of the Cellnovo usability trial, and world-leading authority on insulin pump therapy, Professor John Pickup of King’s College London School of Medicine, remarked, “This clinical trial is not just the world’s first with a mobile-connected insulin infusion system, it is also the first clinical trial in which the care team and patients can simultaneously observe and evaluate patient data in real-time, anywhere in the world.”
Co-trialist, Dr Mark Evans of Addenbrookes Hospital in Cambridge, commented, “This technology represents a entirely new model for the management of diabetes and one that could be of direct and long-term financial benefit to the NHS.  The effective management of diabetes requires masses of information.  The more information we have, and the more rapidly we have it, the better job we can do of using our resources efficiently to prevent the devastating long-term complications of diabetes.  The Cellnovo system is the world’s first both to automate and deliver instantly the information we need – a task achieved through the thoughtful and thorough integration of consumer technology, such as wireless and cellular, with medical sensor and precision pump technologies.”
Co-trialist, Professor Stephen Greene of the University of Dundee added, “The Cellnovo system provides us immediate access to the clinical status of all our patients on a single screen. With accurate and current information we can identify and address problems immediately that, otherwise, might go unnoticed for months, contributing to excess cost and potentially tragic patient complications.  In this clinical trial we will be the first to explore these new opportunities in diabetes patient management and hope to uncover new ways to improve and extend care, optimise workflow and drive cost efficiencies.
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12 years ago

unfortunately all of these wireless devices utilize pulsed modulated radio frequency microwave radiation the same frequency as cell phones, towers, wi fi and microwave ovens.  thousands of studies have confirmed that problems with blood brain barrier, calcium efflux, cancer, leukemia, sterilization, dna damage to sperm, etc. are related to exposure to these frequencies.   if that isn’t bad news it has also been shown that microwave radiation from these devices affects blood sugar in some diabetics.  I don’t put much faith in technology that utilizes RF radiation because you are trading one problem for others. 

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