{photoblog} diabetes bookshelf section



Katie Decker
Katie Decker

Katie Decker was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes when she was twenty-five years old and celiac disease one year later. Her explorations into living a healthy lifestyle with these diagnoses have transformed her life. She went from working at a fast-paced international architectural firm in Los Angeles to a small company in Portland, Oregon where having a balanced lifestyle is as valuable as good design. In 2007, Katie attended the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in New York City.

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12 years ago

Love it! So funny – just last night as i was packing to move, I was sorting through all my books. I filled two boxes with books related to diabetes….used to be, I have shelves of novels. For the past 15 years, I have more health-related books (5:1 ratio, I estimate) than any “pleasure” reading…. Thx for sharing YOUR shelf (or sliver of it, I’m guessing). 

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