no. 9

Nine years ago my relationship with diabetes began with the words, “You know that you have diabetes, right?” 

Today I find myself reflecting and trying to avoid uncomfortable feelings in regards to the ups and downs of this relationship.  

The reaction of avoidance is a good reminder to pause.  To practice compassion and gentleness for whatever feelings arise.  To recognize that none of us are alone in our relationships with diabetes.  To allow space for limitless possibility.  


Katie Decker
Katie Decker

Katie Decker was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes when she was twenty-five years old and celiac disease one year later. Her explorations into living a healthy lifestyle with these diagnoses have transformed her life. She went from working at a fast-paced international architectural firm in Los Angeles to a small company in Portland, Oregon where having a balanced lifestyle is as valuable as good design. In 2007, Katie attended the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in New York City.

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12 years ago

Sweet. Thanks for sharing…

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