One New Year’s Resolution (on the run)

One New Year’s Resolution (on the run)

Last year, when I registered for the NYC marathon lottery and received my automatic entry message (after registering three years for three years in a row and not getting in), I was so happy. I was in a good mood for days. And I was equally unhappy when I had to accept that my hamstring injury would prevent me from running the marathon.

This all came up again a few days ago when I received an email from the NYRRs that I’m guaranteed entry to the 2015 NYC Marathon, and that I have from January 15 – February 15 to claim my place.

My first reaction was excitement. I hadn’t been sure I was guaranteed entry after cancelling my registration last year, and the only thoughts I have had lately about marathons have been doubts about ever being able to run long distance again.

So, when I received the message letting me know I was guaranteed entry I wasn’t sure what to do. I’ve been back to running for a little over two months now and my progress has been slow and far from pain free. It kind of feels like two steps forward and one step back, or two steps back depending on the week.

I‘ve been running three days a week, usually 2-3 miles and then walking a little and then running again. Yesterday, I ran a little over 5 miles with out stopping for the first time. It was at a slow pace, and I felt my hamstring during the last mile of my run.

I was hoping to be in much better shape at this point. I had set a 10K goal for December 31st, but it just didn’t happen. Although I’m a goal-oriented person (especially when it comes to running), I’ve been trying to not set any distance or speed goals and just listen to my body.

I know that registering for a marathon doesn’t mean you have to run it. (I should know, since I have registered for at least three I didn’t participate in.) But to me registering for a marathon is a commitment, and I really don’t want to commit myself to anything at this point, since that would only add pressure to my running, which is exactly what I’ve been trying to avoid. But then again, this is the NYC marathon. It’s been my dream for years.

So, while I’m not prepared to make a New Year’s resolution and push myself to train to the maximum, I won’t give up my place in the NYC marathon so easily. I’ve resolved to register for the marathon, but not let it affect my training. Wish me luck.

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Mike R
Mike R
9 years ago

The NYC Marathon is a very challenging but worthy goal.  I’m a T1 bicyclist and am always training for my next century or multi-day ride.  Keeps me in-tune with my body.  (BG good? Check, Knees good? Check, Back flexible? Check, and so on.)  Good luck!

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