Roche drug may offer valuable new treatment option for patients with type 2 diabetes

Roche announced today that results from the first five Phase III clinical trials show that taspoglutide has met the primary end-points of reduction in blood glucose in these studies. Roche’s taspoglutide, the first weekly human GLP-1 analogue in late stage development may improve treatment options for patients with type 2 diabetes.
Taspoglutide is similar to the naturally occurring human hormone GLP-1 which plays a key role in blood glucose metabolism through a range of mechanisms, including improvement of insulin secretion, suppression of abnormal glucose production by the liver, slowing food absorption through the gut and suppressing appetite in animal studies resulting in glycemic control and weight loss with a low risk of hypoglycemia.

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14 years ago

Wonderful news, if:
1) It works
2) It’s as affordable as Metformin for those of us without insurance.

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