Chaffle Fever Sweeps Across the Globe

Chaffle Cheese Burger

Sometimes a food phenomenon comes ripping across the world, unbidden and unexpected, burning across social media like a wildfire, sweeping up innocents like a tidal wave. What is this force of nature?

I speak, of course, of the chaffle. It is a waffle made entirely of cheese and eggs. You sprinkle shredded cheese directly on a hot waffle iron, add some beaten egg, top with cheese, and let the waffle maker do its thing.

Virtually unknown a mere week ago, the chaffle has set Youtube, Facebook, Reddit, Instagram and Pinterest ablaze. Every significant Google result for the term has been posted in the first two weeks of August. Searches have skyrocketed:

Chaffle Fever Graf

Chaffle mania has blossomed so quickly that it was difficult to track down the originator of the term. But I found her with help from the moderator of the (brilliantly named) Facebook group Keto Chafflehouse (yes, you read that right, Keto Chafflehousechaffles have their own Facebook group). The singular genius of the chaffle appears to be a Youtuber named Cat “Keto” Doss. Behold the original chaffle video in all its glory. Ms. Doss is justifiably exultant about her creation: “Hey ya’ll, I’m about to rock your world.”

To what may we attribute the awesome ascendance of the chaffle? While there were already dozens (or hundreds?) of keto waffle recipes littering the internet, the runaway success of the chaffle seems to hinge on a few important factors.

First is its profound simplicity. Just two ingredients! The vast majority of those other low-carb waffles require expensive alternative starches such as almond and coconut flours, and frequently they utilize specialist baking ingredients like xanthan gum and psyllium husk.  While one cannot fault these chefs for trying to make the most exquisite low-carb waffles, the complexity of such recipes means that they’re only likely to be used during the occasional special weekend morning. The chaffle, made only with one bowl and with just two pantry staples, is simple enough to crank out in a jiffy and on a whim.

Secondly, the chaffle community is heroically creative in using the chaffle as a bread replacement. A quick search of #chaffle will show that some of the most popular images use the chaffle as a base for mini pizzas, hot dog buns, sandwich bread, and so on. This emphasis has been baked in from the beginning – in the original video, Ms. Doss called it a bread substitute and insisted that “the possibilities are endless.” The first recipe to catch my eye, from the ketorecipes subreddit, was for a chaffled double smash burger, and I’m getting hungry just looking at this beautiful monstrosity:

Chaffle Cheese Burger

Finally, one cannot look past the ingenious name, which no doubt has contributed to the giddiness and abandon with which chaffleheads have taken to their new obsession. The chaffle was born meme-ready.

The chaffle is young enough that no definitive recipe has yet emerged. As you read this, debates rage across social media on the niceties of the recipe: Should the cheese be mixed in with the egg? Does cream cheese work better than cheddar? Does a touch of almond flour improve the texture?

Your chaffle mileage may vary, but one point of apparent consensus is on the instrument of choice: the Dash Mini Waffle Maker, only $9.99 at Amazon, which was recommended in Cat Doss’ original video. Chaffle fever is so profound that some have actually uploaded videos of UPS delivering their Dash Mini Waffle Makers.

Forest Gump - Everyone is buying mini waffle makers

The low-carb world, of course, is no stranger to such phenomena. Epochal recipes such as the original Fathead Pizza, which exploded in interest in early 2017, have become revered staples in the ketogenic canon. The zoodle has shown an unbroken rise in popularity since 2014, and is now widely available in mainstream grocery stores. Cauliflower rice – which has annual spikes of interest due apparently to New Year’s resolutions – had its first big moment in January 2017.

Are we witnessing the birth of another new legendary recipe? Your correspondent has ordered his own Dash, and intends to find out.

Ross Wollen
Ross Wollen

Ross Wollen is a chef and writer based in Maine's Midcoast region. Before moving East, Ross was a veteran of the Bay Area restaurant and artisanal food scenes; he has also worked as a food safety consultant. As executive chef of Belcampo Meat Co., Ross helped launch the bone broth craze. Since his diagnosis with Type 1 diabetes in 2017, he has focused on exploring the potential of naturally low-carb cooking. Follow Ross on Twitter: @RossWollen

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Sally Ann
Sally Ann
4 years ago

These have been around for years, they go by many names depending where one is from, we just call them waffle eggs.

Jeanne Williams
Jeanne Williams
4 years ago

It appears that there is hamburger between the eggs and cheese?.

Ani Blair
Ani Blair
4 years ago

I love Chaffle! My one thing I miss on Keto was crunchy! No more!

Mary Kay Tucker
Mary Kay Tucker
4 years ago

Can you freeze Caffles? I love the idea! We have a waffle iron that divides in 4ths..perfect to make several at a time!

4 years ago

I also am rapidly becoming a fan. My first two chaffles were superb. I have so many ideas for ways to use them. Part of the appeal for me is that, since I’m cooking just for myself these days, the Dash mini waffle iron makes just enough for me. And they’re super versatile, so there’s really no end of recipes you can make. I think they’re destined to become a staple, like the fathead dough and zoodles you mentioned in your article. And, a plug for Keto Chafflehouse. The group is super fun and I’d recommend checking it out if… Read more »

4 years ago

Chaffles are awesome. I tried my first one two days ago. I quickly ordered three more waffle irons. Viva Keto Chafflehouse!

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